No Power On This Earth Can Take God’s Word From Us :)

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”-Psalm 119:105

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” – Psalm 19:111

A friend of mine reminded me of these verses.  The “cancel culture” continues to grow out of control. 

But we who follow Christ need not fear.

The Bible gives us a “Roadmap” for our lives and is available to all.  And even better, if we memorize its’ verses we can “Hide them in our Heart” ?.  And then no power on this earth can “cancel” them.

As a friend reminded me,“Evil can not remove The Holy Spirit from our hearts, only we can do that with our personal choice. “  And no one can make us make that choice!

The “cancel culture” may be able to get companies to stop printing or selling The Bible, or they may even attempt to change what it says in print, but they will never be able to take God’s Word from us, because God’s Word lives in us ?