“Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”-Matthew 22:36-39
“This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”
Every commandment, all Ten Commandments, fit into Christ’s Great Commandments ?
They are that simple and that hard. Jesus didn’t say, Love God if you like what He says and lets you do what you want. He said Love God with your whole heart, soul and mind.
And Jesus didn’t say, love those you agree with. The truth is-any one can do that! Jesus said, “Love thy Neighbor”-no matter what ?
These days, that can be more difficult than it seems. The government and media are doing their best to get people to dislike one another, even hate one another. But we do NOT have to listen to them.
Instead, we can focus on God. And we can spend our lives loving God and loving one another!
It’s not that loving our neighbor is not sometimes a struggle. I struggle sometimes too. The news is so terrible these days, and the actions of many seem so unjust. But this is not Heaven. It’s a fallen world and it is going to be filled with suffering and actions that are unjust.
But Heaven IS coming and God does love us more than we can even imagine?.  And that is exactly what I hang onto when the day is a difficult one. No one on this earth can take God or Heaven from me. No hardship, no war, no government…For God is more powerful than all of them.
And that is exactly what they are afraid of. They may deny it, but they know that God Created this world and that we are going Home. And they know that they can not stop us from Loving God and our Neighbors, just as they can not stop us from returning to our Home in Heaven.
Their power is limited and temporary, but God’s Power is forever ?