The phrase, “Fake News” has become hugely popular these days. But what about “Fake” Christians? And are they really “Fake” or are they simply “on the path to Christ”. Only God knows, and Thank God He does 🙂
But what are we to do with those that we hear say they are Christian, but do not seem to act as though they are Christian?
First, we should be grateful that they may know enough at least to “fake” it. Second, we should pray for them. Third, we need to love them as Jesus would. Fourth, we need to encourage them, and fifth, we need to be honest with them. Because when we love someone, we tell them the truth!
We will meet some who love our Lord, but just haven’t read the Bible well enough or they simply did not ask the Holy Spirit to Help them read it. And we will meet some who know the Bible very well, they just don’t want to live as the Bible instructs. And we will meet still others who wish to live a Biblical life, but fail. It is not for us to judge the individual, that role belongs to God.
But we do know something really important. God loves each and every human being. As much as we may want to avoid those who do not believe as we do, God wants us to love them and lead them to Jesus, if we can.
But we know something really important. God loves each and every human being. As much as we may want to avoid many of them, God wants us to love them and lead them to Jesus, if we can.
There is one caveat to this though. If we meet a person and they seem to be able to cause us to doubt our own faith, then run! And Run fast!
For many will fall away from their faith in the coming days, and yet nothing is more important than keeping our faith in Jesus Christ.
There can be no doubt that Jesus wants us to share our Faith with others, but only so long as it does not weaken our own!