What Can I Do For God?

Help the “least of these”

This morning while driving to work, I saw a man walking in the rain. He had no protection and clearly a long way to go.

Another day, I saw a homeless person. Hungry, dirty and obviously exhausted.

Still another day I saw an elderly person struggling to get their groceries in the car.

What can we do for God? We can pray for them. We can help the homeless and we can carry groceries. We can love the “least of these”, as Christ does 🙂

It matters not how an individual came to be suffering; it simply matters that they are suffering. We are all God’s Children. And we all make our own fair share of mistakes, but God loves us all-and so should we.

So this week, help someone, anyone. Give someone hope. Offer someone comfort. Love them like Jesus does 🙂

Guardian Angels Are Real & Our Lord Sends Them To Help Us :)

What do Guardian Angels do?  As the name implies, they guard and protect us.  They also “present prayer to God on our behalf”!  A Guardian Angel can be assigned to a person or a nation.  They can be assigned to a church.  They are found in the Jewish faith and the Christian faith.  They are in the New Testament and the Old Testament.  Guardian Angels sometimes carry us.  Jesus spoke of Guardian Angels Himself! Jesus said,

“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.”-Matthew 18:10 KJV

St. Faustina, a Polish nun, actually saw her Guardian Angel.  She described her Angel in this way:  “a beautiful presence of light.”  She also referred to her Guardian Angel as a “him”. 

Many wonder, “why don’t Guardian Angels protect us from ALL suffering?” The answer to that question is quite simple.  Guardian Angels do not protect us from suffering that leads to spiritual growth.  And as we all know, spiritual growth is necessary. So necessary, that it has been said “you are either growing or dieing”.

So our Guardian Angel protect us, guides us and pray for us…  It’s hard to imagine how we can thank them enough, but we can ask God to send them a Special Blessing and let them know how much we appreciate their help.  And we can thank God for sending them to help us and thank our Guardian Angel as well. ?

So if you feel at all alone or in need, talk to your Guardian Angel, for you are never alone. Your Guardian Angel is always with you!

I am grateful every day for my Guardian Angel’s help.  And I thank God for sending my Guardian Angel, and I thank my Guardian Angel as well.  Truly, I feel Blessed ?

“Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. 21 Pay careful attention to him and obey his voice; do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression, for my name is in him.” – Exodus 23:20-21, ESV

What Happens To Pastors Who Lead Their Church Astray?

According to The Hill, the Pope has called for civil unions for homosexual people through out the world. This is wrong and goes against all God has taught. In still another article, the Pope is alledged to have told someone that “God made him gay”. This is also wrong.

Pastors who lead their church astray are subject to especially harsh judgement by the Lord because they lead so many of God’s people astray, in some cases causing them to be separated from God. Please pray for the Pope, for he has committed a grave sin indeed. And pray especially for all of the people that he misleads. And many will be misled. Pray that they will first seek the kingdom of God, and all else second. And please pray that the Holy Spirit will help them to see the truth, no matter what the Pope says.

The Bible covers this issue in the below verses; there are more.

“Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord.” – Jeremiah 23:1

“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly”-James 3:1

As for our Catholic brothers and sisters. Remember this, they are our sisters and brothers and can not be faulted for what one man has said, or even for the sins of one man. Being truly Catholic is a calling, just as being truly Evangelical is. For we are all called by Christ. Just because one man has fallen, does not mean every person of the Catholic faith has fallen. For Christ will always be the only true Pastor of our church. And the church is simply all those who truly follow Jesus.

Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ that they may continue to see the truth and follow Jesus, that we may all meet in Heaven – together for forever 🙂

Our Hope, Our Help Comes From The Lord!

Isaiah 61: 1-3

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.”

We live in difficult times, but God will make them right. We just have to trust Him. In Isaiah 61 it talks of God’s Great Mercy on His people. His mercy on us.

Beauty and joy will be ours, not ashes and despair.

So don’t give up, focus your eyes on Jesus, our time is coming 🙂

In The Days Of Lot

Judgement by Fire!

29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.”-Luke 17:29

Most of the time, we would prefer to focus on God’s Great Mercy and Love for us. Such is human nature :). But to read the Bible and ignore passages that warn us of God’s Judgement is dangerous. Because God is both Merciful AND Just. We know this from His Word-The Bible.

So why did God pass such a harsh judgement on Sodom & Gomorrah? One reason is that He warned them, repeatedly, that He considered them sinful and they refused to repent. No matter how many years He gave them to change their ways-they would not.

So what was the sin of Sodom & Gomorrah?  There were many.  But the one that was judged most harshly was the act of homosexuality.  Sexual immorality is a serious matter to God and it should be to us. 

If God judged Sodom & Gomorrah so harshly for their sin;  how exactly will God judge America?  After all, gay marriage is now the law of the land.  And whether it is homosexuality or transgenderism-both are against God’s Plan for us.

One of the best descriptions for repentence I’ve read was in the Chicago Tribune. It was written by Dr. Laura Schlessinger.  What do the steps of repentence really look like? “The first is (taking) responsibility: We must recognize that we have done wrong. The second is regret: We must have true remorse for doing wrong and for the pain and problems we’ve caused.  The third is resolve: We must be committed never to repeat the act regardless of the temptations or situation. The fourth and probably the most difficult is to repair the damage we’ve done, or at least do what we can to apologize directly to the injured party.”

We still have time to Repent and Be The Light.  It’s our choice, given to us by God Himself  ?

As In The Days Of Noah!

““Homosexual “marriage” as a legal/social construct was practiced at only one time in the past, “in the days of Noah” before the flood, according to pre-Christian Jewish writings, explained Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) and Faith2Action President Janet Porter during an Oct. 10 interview on Point of View radio. The second time gay marriage was “legal” is now, they added, noting that this is a “little scary” because Jesus Christ said, “As in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”-CNS News, Comment by Rep. Louie Gohmert

Jesus clearly says that the last days will be, “As in the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”.-Matthew 24:38

Clearly, we live in a time that is much like the “Days of Noah”.  Many do as they wish, with absolutely no regard for what God may wish.  And it is not just gay marriage that is at issue, sin has found a welcome ground in the United States… There is one common thread though, through all sin-all sin contains some degree of self-obsession.   Because that is what sin is; putting one’s desires before God’s.

Not long ago, Jonathan Cahn and many others held a day for Repentance & Revival.  There is still time to ask Jesus for forgiveness and to be our Savior.  There is still time to Honor God and be filled with His Holy Spirit.

Don’t wait.  Be the Light ?

Keep Walking With God :)

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God”-Micah 6:8

This verse was the favorite of a dear friend. And he lived this verse. So often we wonder, what does God want? How can we live in a way that is pleasing to Him? This particular verse pretty much covers it 🙂

Treat others justly. This is not about the modern concept of Social Justice, which seems to be about judging the behavior of others more than anything else. o, this is about how we personally treat others. Are we fair and just to those individuals we meet?

Love kindess. Finally an easy one :). Do we love others as we love ourselves? Do we treat others with kindness, strangers and friends alike? The dictionary defines kindness as: “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate”. Guess we can all work on that one 🙂

Walk humbly with God can mean many things. But maybe one thing it means is remembering that we need God’s Great Mercy and Forgiveness every bit as much as “the other guy”, and so perhaps we need to offer the same Mercy and Forgivenss that God give us 🙂

Walk with God. Be The Light.

Walk With God :)

“For we walk by faith, not by sight”-2 Corinthians 5:7

Sometimes it can be hard to keep going. We look at the news, the world, the growth of atheism and witchcraft. It can seem dark indeed.

But we do not “walk” according to what we see in this world; we walk according to what we “see” in God’s world. And what we “see” in God’s world has not changed. Heaven still exists, it always will. And it is still our forever home and always will be. God will still answer our prayers; He always will. And He will still rescue us-even if it is sometimes from ourselves.

There’s no doubt the upcoming election concerns us all. But we also need to remember that God still loves us. God always will. And nothing that occurs in this world can change that!

So walk with God. Be the Light 🙂