Preparing for the Last Days: America’s Truth

America’s Truth is the same as God’s Truth. We were created to be the “City on the Hill”. An inspiration for all that is good and right.

Freedom to choose for all is what God gave us and what we should give to each other. And although our country is far from perfect, we have by and large, been the “City on the Hill” that God intended. And because of that millions have sought to come to this country, and millions more have treasured the traditions and values that built it, and the freedom it offers.

Family, faith and freedom provided by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. What more could we ask for?

The Bible says “to whom much is given, much is expected”. And that is us and that is America! Much has been given to us by God Himself. And as Alex Kendrik’s movie says, “We don’t get to give in and we don’t get to give up”. This is our country, which makes it our responsibility.

There can be no doubt that we live in extraordinarily difficult times. But we can still be the “City on the Hill”. We can still, each one of us, allow the light of the Holy Spirit to shine through us to each person we meet.

And that is how, we as a country, we prepare for the Last Days, or indeed any day. We love God and we love each other 🙂

Preparing for the Last Days: Seek The Truth – God’s Truth!

There’s a lot of talk about truth these days. Our Truth. Their Truth. The Media’s Truth. The Protester’s Truth. But there is only ONE Truth: God’s Truth.

It seems these days, so many people can not see the Truth. Instead they see what they want to see. The same thing happened before WWII. There were those who saw the Truth about the evil coming. Unfortunately, the majority did not want to see the Truth, so they saw what they wanted instead. And because they did, millions died and millions more suffered.

The same Blindness is happening again. We stand at the precipice. We can either turn towards God or turn towards evil. It’s our choice. Given to us by God Himself.

Many are simply confused! And often, evil appears good. After all, if a choice appeared evil, who would choose it? Not many.

This is where the Holy Spirit can really help us!

But the Holy Spirit can only help us, if we ask Him. He can remove the Blinders from our eyes so that we can see the one and only Truth: God’s Truth!

May You See God’s Truth And Choose Wisely!

Preparing for the Last Days: Forgive Everyone!

Much has been written about forgiveness, because forgiveness is often harder than it looks. And we can’t always change how we feel, fortunately for us, forgiveness is not about how we feel, but about what we choose to do.

Family hurts, friend hurts, fellow Christians who are killed or who suffer for their faith… And perhaps hardest of all, forgiving a hurt when anger is truly justified.

Sometimes the only way to forgive someone is to recognize that it’s a choice. I love the story that Carrie Ten Boom told about forgiveness. Someone had hurt her badly and she kept a letter that they had sent that proved their guilt in that particular matter. She had thought that she had forgiven that person, but then realized that by keeping that letter-she had not. And so she threw the letter away. She chose to let it go. She chose to forgive that person, even though she was clearly justifiably hurt and angry.

There’s something else that may help us, if we remember. It’s a tough life. We may encounter someone who is having their worst day (or worst season lol) and they may behave badly, sometimes very badly. But I would hate to be judged for my worst day, and only for my worst day. Because let’s face it-we all have bad days. And if we want others to have forgiveness and compassion for us, we need to give it to others as well.

Lastly, there is something else than can help us to forgive. If we remember that Jesus not only forgave us, but He died so that we might be forgiven. I don’t know about you, but I know I look at myself and at my own sins and wonder that some one, any one, could love me that much!

And at the same time, I can’t help but think that if Jesus forgave me, how can I not forgive another?

The Beginning of the Last Days!

There have been many great movies made about the Last Days.  And many of them share one common thing, America is somehow sidelined and unable to protect Israel.

Covid 19, the riots, and the upcoming election may well sideline America’s ability and willingness to defend Israel.  And since we are Israel’s only real earthly defense, Israel will need God’s defense (a much better defense ?).  And they will receive it!

Do we stand at the beginning of the Last Days.  No one truly knows.  But even if we do, good people may once again stand up for their faith and all that is good and right, and the Last Days may wait a little longer.

But then again, they may not.  We may indeed stand at the beginning of the Last Days.  And if that is so, the difficulties we face now will be thought of as the “easy days” compared to what is coming:  God’s Judgement on the World.

So what are we as Christians to do?

The answer is the same either way.  Pray.  Seek God’s Face.

Pray, Prepare and Wait. 

Wait upon the Lord for He will lead us 🙂

We can learn the easy way or the hard way-it’s up to us…

In many ways, that’s what Ezekiel 20 is about (Read it:

We can learn to follow God’s Word in the “Land of Milk & Honey” or we can learn it the hard way…But clearly, we are going to learn that it is God who is charge-one way or another.

I will always be grateful to Jesus for Saving me! But that does not give me the right to ignore God’s Word. God gave us clear instructions in His Holy Word as to how to live our lives, and God expects us to follow them.

So if we love Jesus, we will follow Him and all His teachings to the very best of our ability. And Jesus will make up the difference between our best efforts and what God our Father expects.

Don’t take advantage of Christ’s great love for us by not even trying to follow His Holy Word, because Jesus deserves so much better than that!

Restore To Me The Joy Of Your Salvation!

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.”-Psalm 51:12 ESV

This is a really great prayer that a friend shared with me. It’s a simple prayer we can pray every single day.

And think about it, in Psalm 30 it says:

4 “Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints,
    and give thanks to his holy name.[b]
5 For his anger is but for a moment,
    and his favor is for a lifetime.[c]
Weeping may tarry for the night,
    but joy comes with the morning.”

No matter what may be happening today, we are “saved”. Our eternity will be filled with joy and peace-forever. In the current times, it’s easy to forget just how awesome that really is! But when we focus on it, it is truly amazing!

And that’s worth holding on to 🙂

Don’t Let Satan Steal Your Joy-Or Your Faith!

22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”-John 16:22

Sometimes during difficult times, people turn to God for strength and comfort. But sometimes, people turn away from God. The heart break, the job loss, the virus, the race riots …are just too much. Sometimes it is as simple, as to much has changed. For example, in many cases, there is no school. Eating out in many cases is a thing of the past. Going shopping, going to the beach or movies-all on the no-no list. But God has NOT changed! He is the SAME as He has always been and He loves you!

But it is when we feel the worst, when we don’t want to pray, when we feel that God is not listening-that we need to pray the most and keep praying. Don’t rely on how you feel in this type of situation, instead rely on God Himself. For He is ever faithful-no matter what!

And if we do, we will come out the other side. We will re-find the joy we once had. We just have to keep praying, even when we don’t feel like it!

Joy In Times Of Great Trouble

“13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”- Romans 15:13

Yesterday, “Good Deeds and God’s Love” was posted.  And it is so true.  So often I have received far more joy than I think I could ever give when doing a kindness for another.  That is part of how we are able to feel Joy, even in times of Great Trouble.  Thinking of the “other guy”, Doing for the “other guy” often takes us out of our own troubles to a place of Happiness and Peace. It’s called “Loving Thy Neighbor”, a command that Jesus was so wise to give-in more ways than one 🙂

There is another place that Joy comes from in Times of Great Trouble, and that is the Holy Spirit.  We are filled with the Holy Spirit.  In the Bible, we are referred to as “Temples” of the Holy Spirit.  But we often fail to ask the Holy Spirit for Help.  God sent His Holy Spirit to us to be our Comforter and Friend.  God our Father loves us, and so does His Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit can lift us out of our suffering and can give us great joy, even in Times of Great Trouble.  The kind of joy that makes us feel like dancing .  Joy that makes it impossible not to move.  To sing and to dance.  And although our circumstances may not change, how we feel might 🙂

The Holy Spirit can be our Great Comforter – if we ask Him in Jesus’ Name ?

Good Deeds and God’s Love

A friend sent me this, had to share 🙂

With all the chaos, violence, unrest, disease, fear taking place in the world today, one does not find good deeds and God’s Love being shown in the news very much. Truly, good deeds and God’s Love are happening MUCH more than all the bad news and evil put together. Acts of kindness and generosity come in SO many different forms.

God’s Love IS also reflected in SO many different ways. Both have the ability to touch us VERY deeply and stick in our memories and spirit, that makes sometimes even small gestures of kindness and sharing God’s Love, a powerful and lasting force in our lives. IS it not inspiring to witness someone, going out of their way to help someone else who has needs? IS it not also inspiring to witness someone sharing God’s Love openly and without shame or hesitation? Good deeds and God’s Love have no age limit or restrictions.

One may clearly see that in the generosity of very young people, especially in their imagination of ways to help others. Sometimes one may receive God’s Blessings, in their darkest hour, when looking for hope. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “One of the most beautiful compensations in life is that no man can help another without helping himself.” Goodness and God’s Love have a way of coming back. One doesn’t have to do good deeds or share God’s Love for a return. It just happens.

The lessons out of good deeds and God’s Love remain to inspire everyone to do the same. God’s Light stands out as His Beacon for others to follow. United together, with our Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we are stronger. Evil attempts to disrupt this Union of faith by clever and widespread scams, that are making God’s Children distrust each other more than ever. ALWAYS go to God for His Direction, to reach out and help others, whether in needs or sharing Him. Do NOT hesitate in action, when His Holy Spirit stirs your heart. Praying with someone or for someone, who may be scared or worried about their future, is VERY important too.

Live to give!!