Pray & Obey :)

We live in really dark times. It’s easy to forget that God has us. He loves us so very much and our real hope, no matter what country we live in, is in Jesus Christ. For it is Jesus, and Jesus alone, who can and will bring us to Heaven. Our real home 🙂

Prayer: Sometimes, when times are difficult, we forget just how important prayer is. Or we push it away because when we pray, we recognize that there are perhaps behavior choices that we need to work on. And we don’t want to. But the truth is that we need to.

Prayer is how we maintain our relationship with God. So no matter how we feel at the moment, we need to keep praying! And it doesn’t matter if we just talk with God or if we say the prayers that we may have learned as a child. If we just keep turning to God and praying, and we will find our way 🙂

Obedience: We all struggle with obedience at one time or another. But obeying God is critically important and prayer can not be substituted for obedience. Where God is concerned, we need to do both. The Holy Spirit is in us; we know what we need to do, but sometimes we are just not willing, even though it is so very important.

God can help us with our ability to obey Him. We just need to ask Him too! He is happy to help us. But because we are not perfect, there are times when we will fail to obey God as we should. This is when we need to ask Jesus for His forgiveness and repent. And He will forgive us!

Remember, God’s Blessings are new every morning!

AndPray, Because Prayer Changes Things.