Ending our prayers with “Thy Will Be Done” makes all the difference. And when we start them, we need to accept that God’s answer may be “Yes”. But it may also be “No” or “Not Yet”.
There is a very real difference between what we want and what we need. In addition, we can only see the short-term, but God sees the long term.
And God sees something else we don’t, God sees all of the people and how they are effected by our prayer. So when God answers, “No” or “Not Yet”, it’s because it’s not the right thing for us, but sometimes it’s just not the right thing for someone else. God weighs how our Prayers will effect everyone!
Praying God’s Will Be Done is the same as saying to God, I Trust you. I know that you love me, just as I know that whatever choices you make for me will be the best ones :).
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!