“ Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”-Galatians 1:10
This is a struggle we all share. When we go out to dinner, when we choose a TV program to watch, when we speak with each other…the list is endless!
So what do we do? We pray :). We ask the Holy Spirit to “nudge” us anytime we are choosing an earthly path instead of a Godly path 🙂
And if we need help to change or leave the situation; we ask God to Help us!
And He will be pleased that we did!
We all wanted to be loved, but we need to make sure that we care more about God’s Love, than about people’s love.
Making Godly choices is part of serving God and we need to make Godly choices!
Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!