Sorry For Calling You A “She”. Really?

Today, I just wanted to share with you something that happened to me, because it took me completely by surprise and I was not ready!

Someone, very politely, apologized for referring to me as a “she”.  It felt so weird!

Now, I have to admit, somewhat guiltily, that I did not really respond to his apology.  I was taken totally by surprise.  I guess I shouldn’t have been, with all that is going on in our world, but I was.

But now I have had time to pray about it and I realize I do need to have a response to that type of comment ready, because it WILL happen again.

So here’s my response:  There’s no need to apologize.  God made me a “she” and a “she” I will always be.

And I am ready for the person who apologizes to me for calling me a “Mom”.  My response will be:  No need to apologize.  Being a Mom is the single, greatest Gift that God ever gave me and I am incredibly grateful.

Different people may have different answers, but get ready, because it IS coming.

And if you are not sure what to say, simply ask the Holy Spirit to answer for you, and He will ?