Taking Back The Rainbow!

The Rainbow belongs to God, He made it. It’s a Reminder that God always keeps His Promises!

Recently it has been used to promote sinful behavior. And that is incredibly sad!

God did not create people to be homosexual. He created them as men and women. Homosexual, lesbian and transgender behavior is a choice that human beings make. But it is not one that God made! As always, some human beings will make un-Godly choices. And while that is incredibly sad, it’s not new.

What is new is trying to use something beautiful that God created to promote something He forbids. And somehow, I find that even sadder. Not to mention offensive. And although I realize that this is yet another unpopular statement in the culture in which we currently live, The Bible does not change with the culture. God’s Word is the same as it has always been.

And the Rainbow belongs to God! And only to God!