Teach Us To Number Our Days!

A close friend checked in on me today to make sure that during Covid-I am finding a way to join in worship of our Lord 🙂 Now that’s a real friend! A friend that we all need right now! I am so Blessed to have her 🙂

In God’s Word, it says, “Teach us to number our days”. I can’t help but believe that part of what that means is that we should make every day count! Believers in Jesus are about to go through a time that we can not even begin to imagine. As Believers we have one job-bring everyone to Heaven that we can. And that means finding a way to do that-every single day.

It means reaching out like my friend did to ensure those we love are finding ways to follow Christ and worship God during these difficult times.

It means making sure that those we love read the Bible and seek their truth in God’s Word-not in man’s.

And it means witnessing to non-believers, both by our example and by the words we share.

I am truly Blessed to have a friend who cares about me enough to ensure I am not left behind. Let’s be that kind of friend too! Let’s not leave anyone behind 🙂