Jesus IS Coming Back!

It seems only fitting to recognize the day America died. It’s a sad day for all of us and our hearts break for our beloved country. America is no longer the “land of the free, home of the brave”. Perhaps one day it will be again, but it is not today.

But while America may have fallen, we are Free. Because our Freedom comes from God, not from man. We are Free in Christ and always will be. We are citizens of Heaven first and foremost. And Christ can not be defeated. Ever.

So take heart! It is a sad day for our country, but Jesus is coming back and no power on this earth can stop Him from taking us Home to Heaven-together 🙂

So turn off the news and celebrate Christ’s birth. Because no matter what the media says, CHRISTmas is about Christ. It’s about God’s Great Love for us. And while the world may change, God’s love for us will not!

We Can Trust God, He Loves Us!