The Battle Belongs To The Lord!

This Is How I Fight My Battles

We fight our battle on our knees in prayer 🙂

It’s hard to miss the bad news headlines these days.  They scream for our attention.  Mask Mandates.  Covid.  Communism.  The “Woke” riots…And then there are the financial issues, the coming tax per mile, the tax increases, the economy, inflation…And then last, but not least there are the moral issues like freedom, the “cancel” culture, attacks on police officers, the rise in crime and violence, the coming “social credit scores”, transgenderism, gay marriage, abortion, the women’s draft…The list is endless.

But as troubling as all of these are, and as much as we are called to take a stand, the real “battle” will be won by the Lord.  And our most important work in this is-Prayer.  Prayer for those we love, and for those we don’t.  Prayer for ourselves and prayer for each other. And perhaps most important-Prayer that “God’s Will be done here as it is in Heaven?’

Perhaps one of the most important prayers we can pray is for God to give us greater faith, for it is that faith that will sustain us.  Other really important prayers, are the prayers we pray for others.  Someone once said, “we are most like Jesus when we pray for another”. 

Prayer takes practice and discipline.  It takes praying when we feel like it, and praying when we don’t.  And sometimes we need help in praying-asking the Holy Spirit to help us makes a really big difference!  Most of all, our praying needs to never give up!

 Never stop praying, God will answer ?