The Benefits Of Following Jesus Now :)

In sharing yesterday, we talked about God’s willingness to bring us to Heaven –even if we accept Jesus at the last minute. For some, that will prompt the question, “why not wait until the last minute”?

For one thing, we don’t exactly know when the last minute is. What if we die in a car accident? An illness? At war?

For another, if we wait until the last minute, we will never know the joy of introducing someone to Jesus 🙂

For me personally, I can’t even begin to share with you how many times Jesus has helped me and comforted me. How many times and how much the Holy Spirit has lifted me up. How often God has eased my heart and rescued me from challenges above my abilities.

And I can’t even begin to share with you how many times God has lifted me up and out of suffering beyond my ability to endure. Or how our Lord has put people in my life to teach me, to befriend me, to love me :).

I would never want to wait until the end of my life to Follow Jesus, because Following Jesus has made my life so much easier and so filled with Joy and Peace.

And in a world where promises are often broken, God is a Promise Keeper. He will never let us down!

Don’t wait. Don’t miss what God has for you :). Receive the Love, Joy & Peace that comes from Following Jesus today!