One Difference Between Christians and Non-Christians

There are many differences between Christians and Non-Christians. But one of the differences I believe is selfishness.

Non-Christians often live a life of self. They truly believe that the means justify the ends. That believe they are “entitiled” to have whatever pleases them, no matter the cost to others.

Christians, however, see life through a different prism. They believe and obey Christ’s commandment to loves others as themselves. They live a life of giving, often sacrificing what might please them in order to bring happiness to another. But it’s even more than that, their whole life is based on loving God and loving each other. It’s their purpose. And it changes everything.

So Give someone a hug. Smile at someone. Carry someone’s groceries. Let a car cut in front of you- and smile. Donate to a local food bank. Say thank you to a police officer. The list is endless…

And offer it all to Christ 🙂

It is amazing the amount of happienss that comes from giving such a small thing to another 🙂.