The Gifts of God

God gives us great Gift! Gifts such as life, the world we live in, love, faith, courage…The list is endless.  People have asked me before, “Where do I get my Faith?”  It comes from God.  It’s nothing I did, I asked Him for faith and God gave it to me.    Ask Him, and He will give it to you too. For Faith is a Gift?. 

Jesus Himself knew that it would be hard to put our Faith in something we can’t see, which is why He understood Thomas’ struggle so well and was so patient with Him.  Jesus will be patient with us too, because He loves us. 

Jesus gave us many Gifts.  One of His very best gifts is that He gave us a path back to God and a way to Heaven ?.  And He taught us how to live ?

One note, if we are given the Gift of Faith, or indeed any Gift, we need to remember to say Thank You ?  And we need to use the Gifts that God give us.  For like any Gift, if we do not use it-we will loose it.

At Jesus’ request, God also sent the Holy Spirit to help us. More on that tomorrow 🙂