The Holy Spirit & The Truth

It’s scarey that so many in Russia could think that the Russian troops are handing out food instead of such great suffering. That so many Russians believe that their soldiers are “freeing” the Ukranians instead of destroy Ukraine!

Journalists used to report the truth of world events, or at least tried to. But many in the media today only report the stories that support their media company’s agenda. How often do we believe the untruths told by some in our own media?

How many are “cancelled” for telling the truth?

That is just one reason that we need the Holy Spirit so desperately! We need to pray always that we see the world as it is, not as we wish it were. That we serve our Lord and each other, not the world.

The Bible teaches us right from wrong. We need to tuck those lessons in our hearts so that the world, and the media, can not change our perspective.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”-Psalm 119:105

We need to plant that word in our heart, keep it there and let it grow 🙂