The Miracle of the Light :)

There are dark days ahead, of that there can be no doubt. But God is here and His miracles are everywhere. We just have to look for them.

There are so many miracles. Miracles when needs are met. Miracles when the sick are healed. Miracles when faith blooms in our hearts.

But perhaps the most “seeable” miracle is found every day in nature. The Miracle of Light-Sun Light. And not just the sun, but the warm light of a sun rise or a sun set. The way the sun light dances on the trees. The way the sun light creates a million lights on water. The way a rainbow lights up the sky.

No matter how difficult the times may become next year, God’s light, Christ’s light and the light of the Holy Spirit will find a way to warm our hearts. Step into that light and stay there and you will find next year so much easier. And if you forget how to get there-just ask God for help in Jesus’ Name 🙂

And Be The Light for someone else. Show them the way. For we were “born for such a time as this” 🙂