The Mission Has Not Changed!

With the election not yet resolved, the world has become a scarier place. 

Yesterday, the Attorney General announced that there would be investigations.  And who knows, those investigations may turn into criminal ones.  But will it be enough to set aside the media’s choice of Biden as winner? No one really knows.  America appears to be crumbling, and that frightens a lot of us.

But although our beloved country may be in trouble, we are not!

God was in charge then and He is now!

A wise friend sent me a great message after the media declared for Biden:

“Sometimes when life seems SO hard, it is easy to forget that God’s answers to our prayers impact many others and involve many different things, WAY BEYOND our immediate requests. Truly, God needs first to save His Children and expand His Kingdom. In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen.”

It would be really great if every human being would accept Christ as their Savior and put God first, when life was easy. But one has only to look around to know that this was not happening.

However, God uses “all things to the good of His people”, and He will use this election as well.  In the end, because of this election, more people will choose Christ. 

And really, isn’t that the mission?  Bring as many as we can to Heaven with us ?