The Real Miracle Is Heaven, Brought To Us By Jesus Christ

My Dear Friends,

It’s Easter Monday and we are still in our houses.  I have to admit, that I, like President Trump, was hoping for a miracle too!  But perhaps the miracle already happened, over 2,000 years ago.  Jesus died for us so that we might go to Heaven.  It doesn’t get more miraculous than that ?

But we don’t really talk about Heaven enough, and perhaps we should.  These are difficult times, we should know what it is we are looking forward too, what it is that our faith will bring us too.  That Jesus will bring us to.

John Burke wrote a book, “Imagine Heaven”.  My cousin John told me about it and I love some of Heaven’s descriptions. Here’s one:

“The fragrance that permeated Heaven was so gentle and sweet, I almost didn’t notice it amid all there was to see and hear.  But as I looked at the delicate, perfect flowers and grass, I wanted to smell them.  Instantly, I was aware of a gentle aroma.  As I focused, I could tell the difference between the grass and the flowers, the trees and even the air.  It was all so pure and intoxicating, and blended together in a sweet and satisfying scent.”

The book is available on Amazon.  I have to admit I haven’t read the whole book yet.  But there is one thing I can share with each of you personally, Heaven is a Real Place.  It’s not some cloud or mystical place.  It’s real.  It’s like the Garden of Eden.  It’s more.  More and better than we are capable of imagining.

So when the going gets tough, look up, Christ draws near ?

In God We Trust,
