We Are Citizens Of Heaven-Now!

The world seems a bit crazy and dangerous these days. Our own country included. Good thing for us that we are first and foremost citizens of Heaven; we always will be 🙂

Followers of Christ, we are already citizens of Heaven. Just because we are not there right now does not mean that we are not citizens of Heaven. A place is waiting for us and we get to follow Jesus to our real home: Heaven. We may be on this earth, but we are not of this earth.

And we will go to Heaven, because no power on this earth is capable of stopping us from returning home to Heaven.

The only thing that can stop us is if we choose to stop following Jesus. And we won’t! Because no power on this earth can stop us from Praying.

And remember, we can ask Jesus to give us more Faith, more Perseverance. We can ask Jesus to give us Hope, Love for Him and Love for others… There is nothing that we can not ask Jesus for. And Jesus will answer! And He will be happy that we asked!

No matter the hardship or hurt, we can simply turn and give it to Jesus and He will give us rest.

Follow Jesus & Keep Praying. Prayer Changes Things. Be The Light – The Light Of Christ!