In Acts 15, we read of the great dispute among the Gentiles and many of the Jews over the issue of circumcision. The question was raised in the Jerusalem Council: “Are Christians made right with God by faith alone, or by a combination of faith and obedience of the Law of Moses?”
Peter addressed the council with the answer, “We are saved by faith alone”.
This discussion/dispute took place in the Jerusalem Council in 50 A.D.
Flash forward to today. There are all different denominations and churches in Christianity. Many have different beliefs, traditions and styles. But we all share one important belief, Jesus is our Savior. And Jesus is the only Savior 🙂
In Revelations we read the Letters to the Churches. One thing is clear, no Christian church was or is perfect. One thing is also clear, Loyalty to God must come first, above all things, including churches, family and country.
The good news is that we are all on the same journey, the journey Home to Heaven and we all believe and follow Jesus Christ. This will matter the most!
Prepare, Pray and Be Ready?