We Need To Help Each Other!

The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wakeneth mine ear to hear as the learned.” – Isaiah 50:4

Our current society has, sadly, much that is evil. It’s a confusing and scary world that we live in! We need to love and help one another. Especially in today’s world!

Help can come in so many ways. Encouragement, a hug, a listening ear or a bag of groceries… The important thing is to make sure that no one feels alone. We need to share with each other that God is with all of us, (and so are we).

One way we can do that is to encourage one another. God gave us the “tongue of the learned” for a reason. So that we could “speak a word in season to him that is weary”.

There are a lot of “weary” people among us, and there will be more. The kind of courage that it took to overturn Roe vs. Wade is exhausting. To have thousands of protesters outside of your home is intimidating! To have young children forced to live in the midst of such evil is incredibly frightening!

But daily life too can be tiring. Going to work every day in the face of such inflation. Raising your children in such an evil atmosphere, forced to attend schools that would teach them and surround them with even more evil! Then there is the constant onslaught of evil out of Washington…It seems to surround us and the list is endless, and it is exhausting….

That’s why it is so important to encourage one another! To remind each other to hold on. Jesus is Coming and we are going Home to Heaven!

And to remind each other just how wonderful Heaven will be! There will be no more tears, only Joy! No more strife, only Peace. No more fear, only God.

There will be people that we love and deep friendships and deep hugs :). Rivers, homes, flowers, beautiful sights…they truly await us, in our Forever Home in Heaven.

God awaits us in our Heavenly Home! And together, we will meet Him. We need not fear today’s world on earth, for it will not effect Heaven!

Because thanks to Jesus’ Great Sacrifice, we are going Home. And our Home is in Heaven 🙂