We Need To Open Our Eyes!

“Father, please open our eyes” is a phrase in the lyrics of the song Make It Right. As we approach Christmas, the need to “open our eyes” has never been stronger and more necessary.

Because being Christian is more than just a phrase and it is more than just a claim. It’s who we are, every minute of every day!

“I’m praying that you open our eyes”-Make It Right.

Please pray that we all “open our eyes”. For a prison can be a building, but it can also be our behavior choices. It can be the people we choose to spend our time with. It can be how we prioritize our time. Prisons are often of our own making, but we can choose to be free in Christ ๐Ÿ™‚

And this Christmas, I also pray that we all make following Jesus our number one priority, we can make that our gift to Jesus ๐Ÿ™‚

For Jesus have already given us so much. Thank you Jesus!