What Have We Done? What Now?

What have we done?  Where do we go now?  Russia has taken over one of the largest nuclear plants in Europe.  People there – work at gun point.  Many have died.  Some are injured.  And children have suffered and died, while the world stood by and watched.

They begged us for help!  The world said No.  And whether the world said no by design or out of fear, it matters not.  A mother held her innocent child and begged for help and the entire world refused.  The mother and child suffered greatly and they died. 

It’s hard to even know who to hold responsible for this level of suffering.  Thank God, truly-that God knows and those responsible will not escape justice.  They will be held accountable by the Lord Himself for all of the suffering that they have caused.  They will not escape.

The U.S. government has done – basically nothing.  Sanctions were never going to stop this war and they are smart enough to know that.  But they allowed this war anyway, and because they did so, millions suffered.

As for the millions of Americans praying for the Ukraine.  It’s hard to know what to do when one’s government refuses to do the right thing.  Keep praying.  Call your Representatives in Congress.  Some start counting calls at 10.  Be extra kind to each other.  Love God and each other well.  Help a refugee.  In other words, do what you can!

And never doubt, as my Pastor used to say, “Prayer Changes Things”.  And it does.

Ukraine is only the beginning.  We need to continue praying for those suffering in the Ukraine, but also for our own country, ourselves and each other as well. 

One of my favorite prayers that I pray every day is, “If I fail to hold onto you Lord, please hold on to me.  In Your Name Jesus I pray”.  For me, it’s kind of like an insurance policy.  I hope that I will always be able to do the Will of God.  I hope that I will never blame God, even for a moment, for what is our world’s doing.  I hope that I will always love our Lord with the same devotion that I do today.  But just in case, lol, I pray this prayer every day ?

Watch, Prepare and Pray.