“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.-Matthew 5:8
“Seeking God’s Face” has as many interpretations as there are people. For me, it’s so many wonderful things..
It’s seeking to be in the Presence of God and the overwhelming joy that comes with that experience. It’s hard to describe, but it is a joy that lifts you up and away from all of your worldly challenges to a place of indescribably joy.
It’s listening. How often do we actually listen to God? We pray often and we read the Bible ?. But how often do we actually listen for God’s small, still voice.
It’s speaking to God from our hearts. Not a request, but an “I love you”. A “Thank You”. Telling God how happy and grateful we are to be His child ?
It’s seeking God’s Will and applying His Will to our lives. It’s making God’s Will our life’s first priority. Always.
It’s seeking God’s Face in the face of others. We’ve all seen it. The face of a person so filled with the Holy Spirit, that a light simply seems to shine out of them ?.
It’s experiencing God’s Peace. We live in a very violent and volatile world. We struggle with many difficult challenges. But during this time, we exist only in God’s Presence and we get to experience His Peace, as only He can give. And we will emerge rested and ready to face the earthly world that we live in and able to share that peace with others ?
Seek God’s Face today and trust you will find it! ?