Does God Love Those Who Choose A Gay Lifestyle?

Yes! Personally, I believe Jesus does love every human being, no matter what lifestyle they choose.

We all sin. We all have temptations that we struggle with. When we repent and seek to change, Jesus is so happy. Because you see, even when we are overwhelmed with sin, God is rooting for us! Jesus loves us and wants us to turn to Him for help 🙂

The problem comes in when we begin to take “pride” in our sins. Sin is sin. It’s not something to take “pride” in. And it doesn’t matter which sin, sin is not something to be proud of! Sin offends our Lord. It separates us from God.

And when we sin enough, our hearts become hardened. We find ourselves not even feeling “guilty” about our sinful choices, and that is the most dangerous thing of all. Because it means that we have grown that far from God that we are not even listening to Him anymore. God’s “still small voice” is a voice we just don’t hear anymore because we are no longer listening for it. It means that we have decided our way is better than God’s.

The problem with that decision is it is simply not true. God’s Will is always the best choice for us. Because He made us and He loves us, He knows what will bring us happiness.

I know that these days, participating in the “gay life-style” has become a politically popular thing to do. But people are not born gay; they choose a gay lifestyle. And since it’s a choice, they can also choose a Godly lifestyle.

Please pray for all of those stuck in this lifestyle. Pray that they will be healed by God and turn back to Him, while there is still time. Because God loves them too!

God’s Perfect Timing :)

Be Still!

Psalms 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God! I will be praised among the nations, I will be praised in the earth. 

Another great devotion from Worthy Briefs! To receive their daily devotions, please click here!

“In one passage in John, we read about how Yeshua’s (Jesus) friend Lazarus was critically ill. Since Lazarus was a good friend of Yeshua, I’m sure those around Yeshua were expecting that He would come immediately to his aid. The scripture says, however, that Yeshua stayed two more days in the place where He was. It was in those two days that Lazarus died.

It’s so hard to understand why it is that God waits to do the things we ask of Him. It’s good for us to remember, though, that He has His purposes for waiting. God was about to teach everyone involved a much deeper lesson here. As Yeshua raised Lazarus from the dead, He made sure they all understood that He is the resurrection and the life for all who believe.

God has His perfect timing for everything under heaven. You may be waiting for God to intervene in some area of your life. You may have been begging and pleading with God for years on that particular thing. But we can relax and know that God’s timing is perfect. We never know what God is doing behind the scenes, in order that our joy would be made full. Remember that He knows best what would bless us most and He is working all things for those of us who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

Relax. God is in control. He has greater things for you than what you could ask or think!”

One Day At A Time!

Some days are just hard. Sometimes it’s just hard to see what direction we should go. But do not fear, God is still with you and will show you the way 🙂

Another great devotion from Worthy Briefs: (You can sign up here to receive them: Worthy Briefs)

Psalms 25:4-5 Shew me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.

A father asked his son to carry a letter from their camp to the village. He pointed out a trail of which the lad had never gone before. “All right Dad, but I don’t see how that path will ever reach the town,” said the boy. “Well son, I’ll tell you how. Do you see that big tree down the path?” asked the father. “Oh, yes, I see that far.” “Well, when you get there by the tree, you’ll see the trail a little farther ahead — and farther down you’ll see another big tree — and when you reach that one you’ll be closer and so on until you get within sight of the houses of the village.”

In the same way, I believe God wants to reveal the way for each one of us on our trails toward Him, one tree at a time. Sometimes we’re convinced we need to see the end of our path so that we can be reassured that there’s something good down there, or that we’re going in the right direction, or that we’ll be able to see if it gets dark.

Over the past two years sometimes it feels as if we’re stumbling in the dark.  Shortly after my brother’s sudden death two years ago, we’ve been “redeployed” to the United States while trying to navigate the Covid lockdowns.

We’ve now traveled over 65,000 miles been speaking, traveling, and encouraging the saints in the midst of this pandemic.  In the midst of it all, rarely do we know what we are doing more than a few weeks out, however, the Lord has been faithful through the midst of it all.

We know first hand how it feels to walk and not know where the end will be — and often wonder if we’ll have the strength and sustenance to get there.

It’s not easy to move forward and trust that God will light the path ahead and point us in the way we should go. But this is a crucial step toward our growth and maturity in the Lord and we all need to get there.

Let’s give our hesitation and fear to the Lord. He will not fail us. He will be faithful to light our path and lead us in the way everlasting — one day at a time.  Be blessed and have a wonderful weekend!  Shabbat Shalom!”

No Man Can Serve Two Masters!

“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” – Luke 16:13

It’s true. “No man can serve two masters”! We serve Jesus or we serve evil. The choice is our’s.

 And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God” – Luke 16:15. Where else do we read the word abomination in the Bible? Revelations.

And who justifies themselves before men? Current political leaders? Some in the media? The prochoice protester who tried to kill a Supreme Court Justice? How about those who bombed a prolife center? Are these not all attempting to justfiy their evil actions as a means to an end?

The “means” matter!

We can only serve Jesus. It matters only if our choices are justifiable to God! For in the end, only God’s Judgement will matter!

We need to choose Jesus as our Savior while we still can 🙂

All Who Are Written In The Book Will Be Saved!

“and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book” – Daniel 12:1

Nothing can ever separate us from the Love of God. Just as nothing can ever change the fact that Jesus is bringing us to Heaven. Not even the times that are coming…

What does “written in the book” mean? Names written in the book” simply refers to the question, “Is Jesus our Savior”?

If Jesus is truly our Savior, our name will definitely be written in the book and we shall be Saved 🙂

In All Times The Answer Remains The Same: Follow Jesus!

As we enter what many of us refer to as the End Times, some of us who understand what is coming, worry about the future.  But we need not fear.  Jesus is with us, and will always be with us.  God will not forget us and we are still going to Heaven.

But we need to remember that just as we will reach out to bring people to Jesus, the wicked will reach out to try to bring us into the darkness. Remember:

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”-Daniel 12:3

“…a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” – Psalm 84:10

There is only one thing we need do during these End Times, Keep Our faith.  Follow Jesus.  The rest matters little. 

Although it doesn’t feel like it right now, our lives on earth are very small and very brief, but our lives in Heaven will be for all eternity! 

And nothing and no one can stop us from following Jesus to Heaven ?

And remember, although evil may seem to flourish, it will be very brief compared to the time we will spend in Heaven with our Lord and those we love ?

St. Michael Stands Up!

“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.”-Daniel 12:1-2

When the Ukraine war began, I saw Michael stand up. The beginning of the end? I don’t know, but I do know what I saw. And how long will the End Times take? 7 years, 70 years, 700 years? Only God knows 🙂

Prepare, Pray and Be Ready!

It’s Not Our Battle!

Another great devotion from Worthy Briefs :):

“My Friends, it’s (really) not your battle!

Exodus 15:3 The LORD is a man of war; the LORD is his name.

1 Samuel 17:46-47 This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the dead bodies of the host of the Philistines this day to the birds of the air and to the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hand.”

“As we’ve been traveling across the United States, the spiritual warfare is more tangible than ever before. Whereas years ago, it was done in secret, open, and public occult demonic activity is increasing in numerous places. We are facing principalities and powers in heavenly places and here on Earth, and we must fight as the saints of old, with the spiritual weapons of faith, and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. And ultimately it IS His battle.

This great war, being fought on the battleground of humanity itself, has, from the Lord’s perspective, already been won. Messiah Yeshua’s victory at the cross resounds through history in every direction of time and space. In this sense, the battle is not ours, but the Lord’s, whose triumph over sin, death, and evil was perfectly accomplished there. And since God exists beyond time and space, it’s already over in His world. The very grammar of prophetic utterances, particularly in the OT, we call the “prophetic past”, is written as though the events described have been completed.

As such, in these developing prophetic days, we live in a paradox, “the already, but not yet”. Even as evils increase all around, we’re participating in both… a present war, and a present victory. And so we carry both… responsibility and confidence.

Our confidence stands firmly in the resurrection and authority of the Lord Yeshua as He sits at the right hand of the Father. And since we’re not fighting in our own strength we can declare, “O Lord this is your battle

Our responsibility is firmly rooted in our confidence; not in flesh, chariots, horses, armies, weapons, technologies, noble human intentions, economic power or prosperity, political agendas, constitutions, presidents, nor anything else of this world. Our responsibility lies in our re-presentation of the One we love and serve who lives within us and empowers everything we do of any true value. In the power of the Spirit, with bold confidence, we can declare His eternal truth, the most powerful weapon that has ever or will ever exist.

My Friends, the enemy may attack with lies, deceptions, and threats of every kind, and he will.…your defense is the Lord, what He has spoken, who He is, what He has done, and what He is doing in and through you. Your defense, and your offense, are Yeshua’s victory and His Word, and this present battle truly is the Lord’s.

Take it to heart, “The battle is the Lord’s.” You simply stand declaring His victory and His truth to a sea of humanity desperate for forgiveness, hope, love, and peace.”

Pray For America!

This devotion is from a great friend of mine:

As believers, it is our responsibility to pray for America, ALWAYS, not just in times of national crisis. Without diminishing the importance of the Supreme Court or the Congress or the President, they are not the source of our future or our hope. Only God and the Power of the Holy Spirit, working in our lives of citizens can sustain the strength and the future of this nation.

James 5:16 encourages us that “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much,” and throughout the Bible we see how true these words are. Prayers moved the Hand of God and changes came to nations, leaders, laws, and individuals. The greatest thing anyone can do for God and man IS pray. It is not the only thing, but it IS the chief thing.

First, as God’s people, we must humble ourselves and confess to God the sins of our nation as well as our own lives, our being self-centered, lusts, addictions, the love of the world, and any area in which we are disobeying His Word. God has said, “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My Face, and turn away from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land,” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Second, we must pray for our leaders and authorities. Ask our Lord to give His Wisdom, Protection, and Direction to the President, Congress, state and local officials, judges, as well as all those whom God has raised up to lead His People. If we see nonbelievers taking control of the government, passing laws that violate the Laws of God, and jeopardizing our God-given freedoms, our order and duty is to intercede and take action, fervently praying, trusting God to restore His Presence to our nation and communities.

Third, we must pray that our Lord will work in a powerful way in the hearts of believers and people from all walks of life. Only God has the power to free people from the sins that destroy their lives as well as the foundations of righteousness. Fourth, we must pray for families, for school systems, for the military, for our emergency response teams, for our police men and women, our health givers, and for ALL the vital aspects of our society. Be aware of what is going on, and REALLY help them and pray!

My thoughts and prayers are that you stand up for Christ! That you be like Christ! That you also fervently pray with others in His House! This may cause you to suffer and be ridiculed by the world. Whatever you may go through, it will not hold a candle’s light up to the suffering and death on His Cross that our Lord, Jesus Christ went through, just for YOU! THANK GOD HE IS RISEN! Thank God He IS our Refuge in times such as these! Share Him with others. DO NOT HESITATE! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.