We Are One Family In Christ!

There are many Youtube videos shared on FollowingJesusUS.com.  Most of them are of The Blessing being sung around the world.  There is a reason for that ?

It’s really important, especially right  now, to remember that we are first and foremost citizens of Heaven.  Our Faith in Jesus unites us as one family and we are going to Heaven together!

Politicians may come into power and make good or poor choices.  We can pray for them, but we can’t change them.  But with Christ’s Help, we can change ourselves.

For example, Putin may indeed make some poor choices, but that doesn’t mean those Christians who happen to live in Russia are responsible for them.  The same with China.  Many Chinese officials may make poor, even evil, choices, but that does not mean that Christians who live in China are responsible for them.

As Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are called to love and pray for one another.  The future may bring conflict among some countries, but let it not bring conflict among us.

We are one people.  God’s people.  Saved by Jesus for all eternity.  Let no one break us apart ?

Jesus’ Staff

In Psalm 23:4, The Bible says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

A Staff is used by a Shepherd to guide His sheep (us). The Shepherd uses the curved end to catch a sheep that is straying.  It’s reassuring that Jesus goes after a sheep that strays and brings him back home.  Because let’s face it, at some point, most of us stray at least a little. 

And it’s comforting to know that Jesus doesn’t just let us go.  He comes after us and brings us home ?

So thank you Jesus for all the times you have come after me.  Thank you Father for your constant and never ending Mercy.  And Thank You Holy Spirit for helping me understand God’s Great Love For All Of Us. Amen 🙂

The Iron Rod and the Choice!

We seek God’s Face, not His Power.  But it is important to understand just how Great God’s Power IS.    He created this world.  The sun, the earth, the seas, the mountains and us…That took great power ?.  A power so vast, we can not even begin to understand or imagine it.

In the Bible, it talk’s of Christ’s “Rod of Iron” in many passages.  And it depicts His Rod in many ways, but there is one way that is a little different from some of the others.

In Psalm 23:4, The Bible says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

The “rod” in some ways represents God’s Great Power, as well as His Power to protect us.  It can be used to Protect His sheep (us), just as it can be used to ensure that Justice comes to those who choose to reject Christ.  God gave us a choice:  Justice or Mercy-and the freedom to make it.

Choose wisely ?

Jesus: Talk To Me!

I found this video on Youtube. It’s a wonderful picture of just how much Jesus loves us. In the video, He comforts a woman as she cries. It’s clear He is completely focused on what she is saying. Listening intently, His great compassion and love for her is amazing.

What a gift to have the Son of God care about us so much. His message is plain “He knows the budens that lay heavy on our hearts”. Who else knows so clearly what troubles us and cares so deeply? So when we have “troubles”, let’s bring them to the one who loves us most:  Jesus. 

We are indeed Blessed 🙂

It’s a “narrow path”. So together, Let’s follow Christ Home!

God’s Words Will Live Forever!

In Matthew 24:35 it says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

And those Words are so true! All things will end and be gone, but not God’s Words. So the Bible must be really important, for it is the one thing that will never pass. The Bible is home to God’s Word, it needs to become a part of us, and live in our Heart.

Difficult days are coming. Believe it or not, one day we will look back at these days of Covid, politics and riots and realize that these were the easy days.

So this Christmas, make sure everyone you love has a Bible. For it is God’s Word that will show us how to walk through the coming days, and remind us that He walks with us 🙂

This Christmas: Let’s Remember The Poor

There are many types of poor. Those that suffer from poverty, both in their finances and in their spirit. Both are important.

So this Christmas, let’s remember them both. Let’s give if we can financially, let’s pray for those who suffer. And let’s reach out to those poor in spirit. Jesus came for them :).

And if Jesus loved them, can we do less?

Our Home :)

In Psalm 90 it says, “Lord , you have been our dwelling place, in all generations.”

That is true. God is our dwelling place. He is our Safe Space. Our Home. And no matter what occurs in America, that is NOT going to change 🙂

So take heart my friends, God is still here 🙂 And He still Loves us 🙂

Teach Us To Number Our Days!

A close friend checked in on me today to make sure that during Covid-I am finding a way to join in worship of our Lord 🙂 Now that’s a real friend! A friend that we all need right now! I am so Blessed to have her 🙂

In God’s Word, it says, “Teach us to number our days”. I can’t help but believe that part of what that means is that we should make every day count! Believers in Jesus are about to go through a time that we can not even begin to imagine. As Believers we have one job-bring everyone to Heaven that we can. And that means finding a way to do that-every single day.

It means reaching out like my friend did to ensure those we love are finding ways to follow Christ and worship God during these difficult times.

It means making sure that those we love read the Bible and seek their truth in God’s Word-not in man’s.

And it means witnessing to non-believers, both by our example and by the words we share.

I am truly Blessed to have a friend who cares about me enough to ensure I am not left behind. Let’s be that kind of friend too! Let’s not leave anyone behind 🙂