As In The Days Of Noah!

““Homosexual “marriage” as a legal/social construct was practiced at only one time in the past, “in the days of Noah” before the flood, according to pre-Christian Jewish writings, explained Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) and Faith2Action President Janet Porter during an Oct. 10 interview on Point of View radio. The second time gay marriage was “legal” is now, they added, noting that this is a “little scary” because Jesus Christ said, “As in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”-CNS News, Comment by Rep. Louie Gohmert

Jesus clearly says that the last days will be, “As in the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”.-Matthew 24:38

Clearly, we live in a time that is much like the “Days of Noah”.  Many do as they wish, with absolutely no regard for what God may wish.  And it is not just gay marriage that is at issue, sin has found a welcome ground in the United States… There is one common thread though, through all sin-all sin contains some degree of self-obsession.   Because that is what sin is; putting one’s desires before God’s.

Not long ago, Jonathan Cahn and many others held a day for Repentance & Revival.  There is still time to ask Jesus for forgiveness and to be our Savior.  There is still time to Honor God and be filled with His Holy Spirit.

Don’t wait.  Be the Light ?

Keep Walking With God :)

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God”-Micah 6:8

This verse was the favorite of a dear friend. And he lived this verse. So often we wonder, what does God want? How can we live in a way that is pleasing to Him? This particular verse pretty much covers it 🙂

Treat others justly. This is not about the modern concept of Social Justice, which seems to be about judging the behavior of others more than anything else. o, this is about how we personally treat others. Are we fair and just to those individuals we meet?

Love kindess. Finally an easy one :). Do we love others as we love ourselves? Do we treat others with kindness, strangers and friends alike? The dictionary defines kindness as: “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate”. Guess we can all work on that one 🙂

Walk humbly with God can mean many things. But maybe one thing it means is remembering that we need God’s Great Mercy and Forgiveness every bit as much as “the other guy”, and so perhaps we need to offer the same Mercy and Forgivenss that God give us 🙂

Walk with God. Be The Light.

Walk With God :)

“For we walk by faith, not by sight”-2 Corinthians 5:7

Sometimes it can be hard to keep going. We look at the news, the world, the growth of atheism and witchcraft. It can seem dark indeed.

But we do not “walk” according to what we see in this world; we walk according to what we “see” in God’s world. And what we “see” in God’s world has not changed. Heaven still exists, it always will. And it is still our forever home and always will be. God will still answer our prayers; He always will. And He will still rescue us-even if it is sometimes from ourselves.

There’s no doubt the upcoming election concerns us all. But we also need to remember that God still loves us. God always will. And nothing that occurs in this world can change that!

So walk with God. Be the Light 🙂

The Miracle of Mary :)

There have been many miracles surrounding Mary, but perhaps one of the best known is “The Miracle of The Sun” at Fatima.  Mary had promised the three children that she appeared to that a miracle that would prove she had truly appeared to them.  And she kept that promise.

Mary had told them that WWI would end, but warned them that WWII would begin.  She also warned them of the damage that Russia would do to the world if they abandoned their Christian faith in favor of communism

I can’t help wonder exactly what she would tell America right now.

She also warned them that Hell is very real.  She not only warned them; she showed them.

Perhaps both are something we need to remember.

The Miracle of the Sun

On October 13, 1917, after three days of rain, Mary appeared to the children once more.  Nearly 70,000 people gathered to see the “Miracle”. 

“Suddenly the “clouds separated…and the sun appeared between them in the clear blue, like a disk of white fire.” The people could look at the sun without blinking and while they gazed upward, the huge ball began to “dance”. The huge fireball whirled rapidly with dizzy and sickening speed, flinging out all sorts of brilliant colors that reflected on the faces of the crowds. The fiery ball continued to gyrate in this manner three times, then seemed to tremble and shudder, and plunge in a mighty zigzag course toward the earth. The crowd was terrified, fearing this was the end of the world.

However, the sun reversed course and, retracing its zigzagging course, returned to its normal place in the heavens. All of this transpired in approximately ten minutes. After realizing they were not doomed, the crowd began ecstatically laughing, crying, shouting and weeping. Many discovered their previously drenched clothing to be perfectly dry.

After what has become to be known as “The Miracle of the Sun,” the children were grilled many, many times, about what they had seen and been told. Their story never changed.”-The Fatima Church

It’s easy to be the Light when we have good news to share, but harder when the news is not liked by some. But Being the Light means sharing the Truth. Be the Light!

Jesus Is All We Need-Now and Forever!

With all that is happening in our country and world, it’s hard not to be afraid sometimes. We frantically try to protect and to provide for our families. But the truth is, all we really need is Jesus. Now, and forever. And Jesus loves us all.

Pastor Jonathan (from Grace Missionary Alliance Church in Ohio) once said, “when we grasp that we are loved and forgiven without limit by Jesus, we realize that we have more than enough to share.” 🙂

And that’s so true. Sharing Jesus does not diminish our faith like sharing earthly material possession does! When we share our earthly posessions, they are lessened. But when we share our faith in Jesus, it grows and increases. We can never run out!

So Share Jesus with others. Be the Light 🙂

Make Every Day Count!

In Psalm 90:12 it says, “So teach us to number our days”

We don’t often think about that, in fact, some of us actively avoid thinking about it, lol. But the truth is each one of us has only so many days on this earth.

So we only have so many days to share God’s Love & Mercy. To share the Good News about Jesus Christ! And to share our knowledge of how to get to Heaven and just how important that is!

Because make no mistake, Jesus is the Hope for our world, today and everyday, and we are all looking for that 🙂

Make Every Day Count!

Be the Light :)