Our Hope Is In Christ!

“The world understands hope as wishful thinking. This is NOT what God’s Word means by Hope. The biblical definition of Hope is “confident expectation.”

“Hope IS the firm assurance regarding things that are unclear and unknown. Hope IS the fundamental component of the life of the righteous. Without Hope, life on earth loses its meaning and in death there is no hope. The righteous who Truly Trust and put their Hope in their Heavenly Father, Will be helped, and they will NOT be confounded, put to shame, or disappointed.”

“The righteous, who have this Trustful Hope in God, have Confidence in God’s Protection and help – free from fear and anxiety. The New Testament idea of Hope IS the recognition that IN Christ IS found the fulfillment of the Old Testament! Christian Hope IS rooted in faith in the Divine Salvation in Christ. Hope IS brought into being through the Presence of the Promised Holy Spirit. It IS the future Hope of the resurrection of the dead, God’s Promises given to Israel, the Redemption of the Body and of the whole creation, Eternal Glory, Eternal Life and the inheritance of the saints, the Return of Christ, Transformation into the Likeness of Christ, the Salvation of God and simply Christ Himself!!

My thoughts and prayers are that you have Hope in Christ! That you show Great Boldness in your faith! That you share His Hope with others! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.

The certainty of this blessed future IS guaranteed through the indwelling of the Spirit. Christ IN you, and the Resurrection of Christ. Hope IS produced by endurance through suffering and IS the inspiration behind endurance. Those who Hope in Christ will see Christ exalted in life and in death. Trustworthy Promises from God give you Hope, and you may boast in this Hope, and exhibit Great Boldness in your faith!! “

“Along with Faith and Love, Hope IS the enduring virtue of the Christian life, and Love springs from Hope. Hope produces Joy and Peace in believers, through the Power of the Holy Spirit!! “-Anonymous

And remember, Prayer Changes Things!

Jesus, Please Take Care Of Everything!

There is a great prayer for our worries.  It’s called “The Surrender Novena:  Let Jesus Take Care Of Everything.  I’ve been praying it every day for a long time now and it truly helps me!  I hope that it will help you!  May God Bless and Keep you.

Prayer, In Jesus’s Name, Changes Things!

Part of the Novena:  Close your eyes and let yourself be carried away on the flowing current of my Grace; close your eyes and do not think of the present, turning your thoughts away from the future just as you would from temptation.  Repose in me, believing in my goodness, and I promise you by my love that if you say, “You take care of it”, I will take care of it all; I will console you, liberate you and guide you.

O Jesus, I surrender myself to you.  Please take care of everything!  Thank you.  (10 Times)

Link to Novena:  The Surrender Novena:  Let Jesus Take Care Of Everything:  https://catholicexchange.com/the-surrender-novena-let-jesus-take-care-of-everything/

Pray & Obey :)

We live in really dark times. It’s easy to forget that God has us. He loves us so very much and our real hope, no matter what country we live in, is in Jesus Christ. For it is Jesus, and Jesus alone, who can and will bring us to Heaven. Our real home 🙂

Prayer: Sometimes, when times are difficult, we forget just how important prayer is. Or we push it away because when we pray, we recognize that there are perhaps behavior choices that we need to work on. And we don’t want to. But the truth is that we need to.

Prayer is how we maintain our relationship with God. So no matter how we feel at the moment, we need to keep praying! And it doesn’t matter if we just talk with God or if we say the prayers that we may have learned as a child. If we just keep turning to God and praying, and we will find our way 🙂

Obedience: We all struggle with obedience at one time or another. But obeying God is critically important and prayer can not be substituted for obedience. Where God is concerned, we need to do both. The Holy Spirit is in us; we know what we need to do, but sometimes we are just not willing, even though it is so very important.

God can help us with our ability to obey Him. We just need to ask Him too! He is happy to help us. But because we are not perfect, there are times when we will fail to obey God as we should. This is when we need to ask Jesus for His forgiveness and repent. And He will forgive us!

Remember, God’s Blessings are new every morning!

AndPray, Because Prayer Changes Things.

Anti-Semitism: Didn’t We Learn This Lesson Already?

Many Pastors refer to the Jewish people as “the Apple of God’s Eyes”. One has only to actually read the Bible to know that this is so true.

The Old Testament is about the Jewish people and how much God loves them! And if we are Christian, how can we not love what God loves!

The cost of anti-Semitism was made crystal clear during WWII. And sadly, those who “fail to learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them!”.

There is another great quote from a famous statesman, “all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!” We seem to be doing nothing right now, because this war on Israel is only happening because America has allowed it!

God is crystal clear as to what He will do to nations and people who mistreat Israel:

“I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;”-Genesis 12:3

You IS Israel!

Please pray! Prayer Changes Things!

Do Not Give Up Your Faith!

I read an article this morning that said the Pope was ” radically reforming its process for evaluating faith-based phenomena.” And yet it is this same “faith-based phenomena” that helps many to deepen their faith!

How many Christians around the world will become confused? Will this new “radical” Doctrine of Faith cause some to either loose their faith or perhaps weaken their faith in a time they need it most?

The question has been posed by many if this particular pope is even legitimate? Perhaps it’s time we answered it!

If we don’t, God will!

Please Pray!

Prayer Changes Things!

Our Blessed Mother & The Feast Of The Harvest!

“In the early Church there is evidence of a major feast of the Blessed Virgin
Mary celebrated on the 15th of May each year, but it wasn’t until the 18th
century that May received a particular association with the Virgin Mary.”-St. Patrick’s in Tampa.

May 15 is also known as the Feast of the Harvest. People ask Mary to intercede and still ask Mary to intercede for a good harvest. And whether it be  bad weather, insects or disease, crops are easily ruined. And so many farming families have asked Mary to intercede that their crops will be protected, grow and that a large and good harvest will be had.

Also important to know is that the entire month of May is dedicated by many to Mary. Why? Because Mary was chosen above all other women to be Jesus’s Mother. She knew the road would be so hard, but she was obedient anyway! Her faith in God knew no limits, as did her willingness to obey God no matter what! But perhaps most of all, it was Her willingness to love – no matter the cost that made Her a wonderful Mother for Jesus!

Because Her love for Jesus knew no boundaries and helped to comfort and strengthen Him. Just as Her love comforts and strengthens us.

My own faith is richer and deeper because Mary loves me :). And I will always be so grateful for my relationship with Her.

Pray the Rosary.

For Prayer changes things!

A Warning From Fatima: We Must Stop Insulting God!

During Fatima, Mary warned us that if we did not stop insulting God, WWII would come.  And it did.  And it was even worse than WWI!  And yet our insults to God and our poor behavior have only worsened.  Will there be a WWIII?

We must, as we did then, ask for forgiveness for our sins, repent, pray, “forgive others as we ask to be forgiven”. 

And we must change. Repent means change.  It doesn’t just mean we are sorry for the sins we committed (although of course we are!); it means we are committed giving our best effort to refraining from committing that same sin again.

We must stop insulting God before it is too late!

With the Holy Spirit’s Help-Read the Bible. It tells us how to live a life that is pleasing to God!

And then we can ask the Holy Spirit to Help us to Live it 🙂

And we can Follow Jesus 🙂

A Strong Delusion & Israel

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”-Thessalonians 2:11

Video: The recent attacks on Israel have been horrific and are a sin against God. The Jewish People are God’s Chosen People and He loves them in a special way. If there is any discipline that needs to be done, or any change that needs to be made, God ALONE WILL DO IT!

There are many who support Israel in our world, and many who do not. But the Jewish People are God’s Chosen people and if we are truly Christian, we need to love all that God loves-including the Jewish People. ALL of them!

Anyone who does not see that is suffering from a “strong delusion” and we need to pray for them!

Prayer: Please Father, open all of our eyes to see the world as You see it! In Jesus’s Name. Amen!

And remember, Prayer Changes Things!

Happy Mother’s Day Blessed Mother Mary!

I often think of Mary with awe! Although we often talk of Jesus’ sacrifice, we don’t talk of Mary’s nearly enough.

As a Mom, I can’t even imagine the horror and pain she endured watching her Son dying on that Cross.  A million thoughts must have raced through her mind and heart.  That she didn’t simply collapse is a testament to her courage and faith, her love for Jesus, as well as our Father’s strength and the Holy Spirit’s Comfort.  It’s was a miracle in and of itself!

Personally, I know I would have collapsed.  Just as I know I would have begged our Father not to allow my Son to die, especially in such a horrific way.  But that was not Jesus’ Will.  He came to save us from our sin, no matter the cost. 

Instead, Mary gave Jesus what He needed most, Her love and her strength, and Her faith in our Father’s Will.  Mary trusted our Father.  She knew God’s ways were, and are, “higher than our ways”. And I am sure she prayed for Jesus! For Mary knew just how important prayer was and is!

Mary gave God Her all and trusted God with the outcome…and that is what we need to do!

As a Mom, the sheer horror of watching my Son crucified would have broken me, but it didn’t break Mary.  Because Her love for Jesus and was that pure and that strong.  And that love helped Her to overcome all.  And for that alone, I will always be grateful to Mary.  Just as I will always hope to be more like her!

Too often, modern day churches seem to argue about Mary’s role in the “church”.  But the truth is – there really is no need for we are all the “church” 

Mary was Jesus’ Mother and one of the best role models we will ever have.  By Her sacrifice alone, she has not only proven Her love for our Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but for each of us as well. 

And Jesus loves Mary so very much too, as only a Son can love His Mother.

As for the confusion of “praying to Our Blessed Mother Mary”.  It is not that we are “praying to Mary”, but rather we are asking Mary to pray for us!  And why would we not?

Mary is in Heaven with God and I talk with her every day!  Sometimes simply to thank Her for all she sacrificed for us.  And sometimes to ask her to pray for me or others.  And I know she does, because She loves each of us. 

Mary has enriched my faith and brought me great joy and peace!  She can do the same for you. Happy Mother’s Day Mary, and thank you! 

Israel Stands Alone

There is a verse in the Bible:

“I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;”-Genesis 12:3

The Jewish people are God’s Chosen People and He loves them in a special way. Jesus is Jewish.

God has Promised from the beginning that He will Bless those who Bless the Jewish people and curse those who curse the Jewish people. God ALWAYS keeps His Promises! What has America done?

Please pray that God’s Will is done for the Haredi in Israel and for America! For our day is coming!