Honoring Those Who Served On September 11th

On September 11th, people serving in our police and fire departments ran into the Twin Towers while everyone else was running out.  That’s real courage.  And perhaps even more than that, it’s love for one’s neighbor in action.  Selfless Love.

Neighbors reached out to one another, people in line at the grocery store actually spoke to one another and families through out the nation prayed together.  Our churches were overflowing.  We shared our faith with those in need, and everything else as well.  Christian songs filled the airways, on EVERY channel.  Our nation, turned as one, back to God.  It was the worst of times, but it was also the best. 

As a nation, we remembered, as One Nation Under God, what was really mattered-and we acted on it.

Flash forward a few years and I don’t think the same can be said.  Covid 19 has many of us living in fear.  Cities are being burned and looted.  And people are being beaten and killed.  Our government appears to be out of control.  As a nation, we used to know better!  Right and wrong were not relative;  morality was not something that good people could live without.

Now, those with faith are told to keep quiet.  The same TV news anchors that prayed for our nation on September 11th, do not do so now.  Instead of being grateful that there are so many people who serve  in our police and fire departments with a selfless courage that few of us have, we treat them with a horrific disrespect and lack of appreciation.   We can only wonder what comes next.

A storm is raging in our country.  And we have a choice to make.  Turn back to God and loving one another or watch the storm rage until the entire country is destroyed.

It’s our choice, given to us by God Himself.  And if we want to honor all of those who gave their lives on September 11th, we need to make the right one.

Leave Your Guilty Feelings At The Foot Of The Cross :)

I want to share with you my friends, the biggest mistake I ever made following Jesus.  And that is…

Charles Spurgeon once said the “holier a man becomes the more he mourns his unholiness”.  And I think this is true.  The closer to Christ we become, the more we feel badly about any mistake or sin we make.

But allowing our feelings of guilt to keep us distant from God is a worse mistake.  When we sin and repent of that sin and ask Jesus for forgiveness, it’s done.  What I mean by that is that thanks to Jesus, our Father doesn’t just forgive our sins; He forgets them. 

Holding onto those guilty feelings truly serves only Satan. Leave your guilty feelings at the Foot of the Cross and let them go 🙂

If we love our Lord, then we must trust in His ability to forgive AND forget our sin. 

And if we truly want to follow and thank Him, than we should forgive others in the same way that He forgives us 🙂

Don’t Miss Your Miracles :)

“I don’t want to miss what you have for me” is a line in this song by Jeremy Camp, and it’s a great one. So often we are so busy, we walk right by one of God’s miracles for us without seeing it. We just miss it.

Nature might be one of the easiest examples. On a really exhausting day, do we really think that the beautiful flower, or the rainbow, or the sun shining on the water is just by chance? Or is it God loving us so much that He sends a little “sunshine” in our path when we are tired?

Or perhaps we are feeling discouraged. Feeling as if what we do doesn’t really matter, doesn’t really make a difference. And then the phone rings, and it is someone calling us to tell us – we do make a difference. Coincidence or is it God’s Miracle for you?

There is a great book series on these types of Miracles. It’s called God Winks :). And you can find it on Christianbook.com and Amazon.

Don’t miss God’s Miracles for you. They happen more often than we realize 🙂

Happy Birthday Mary & Thank You :)

Born: Date unknown; traditionally celebrated September 8

Birth of Jesus Foretold

“26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed[b] to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!”[c] 29 But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be. 30 And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. 31 And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”-Luke 1: 26

I have always had a special affinity for Mary.  And although I realize that different Christian Churches see her differently, I personally have always been so grateful to her for her example, for her love and for her willingness to do all that God asked. No matter the price. And Her willingness to pray for us! I wish I could say that I did all of that every day, but mine is a poor attempt compared to Mary’s.

Sadly, there seems to be some controversy about praying the Rosary or asking Mary to intercede for us. Instead, perhaps we should take a moment and remember that we are simply asking Mary to pray for us! And why would’t we do so, when our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit love her so much? 🙂

The truth is God gave Mary a choice!  And where would we be if Mary said no? God knew this choice would bring great suffering.  How God must have loved her to allow her the choice!  Mary CHOSE to be Christ’s Mother-how she must have loved God!

And I think often of how young she was!  I didn’t even know who I was at that age.  How frightened she must have been, but she kept on following God’s Will for her.  How faithful she must have been, to have that kind of strength and courage.  And how much she must have loved God and her Son.

Mary is an incredible mother.  Loving Him, Raising Him, Encouraging Him, and Standing at the foot of His Cross!  I would never have had the strength to do all that.  Would any of us?  When Jesus suffered; how she must have suffered to! How Jesus must love her and how she must love Him!

And Jesus did love her so. Even as He suffered on the Cross, Jesus made sure His Mother was taken care of:

“When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son!” Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother!” And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.” –John 19:26-27 ESV

How He must have loved her to think of her future as he hung suffering on that Cross! And how grateful she must have been to know that He saw her :).

Mary’s Beloved Son suffered so.  And yet instead of panicking or weakening, she lent Him her quiet strength and surrounded Him with her love. 

When God chose Mary to be Christ’s Mother, He chose well ?

Are We A Citizen Of America or Heaven?

My Pastor in Ohio who is very wise, once said “that is was very important that we remember that we are citizens of Heaven”.  At the time, I didn’t quite get it, but now I do.

We look around, and regardless of the political fence we sit on or where we stand on BLM, we are horrified at what we see.  For some, this is simply not the America that has so well stood the test of time, nor is it the America that many want to live or raise their children in.  For some, there are problems that have not been resolved and their anger has boiled over.  And for still others, this is just their opportunity to hurt innocent human beings and destroy this country.

Irregardless of where we stand on these issues, comes the question, are we a citizen of America or a citizen of Heaven?

And the answer is-both!  But of the two, Heaven is the most important.  America, as important as she is, is still just temporary.  Heaven is forever!

To Read More About Heaven, visit:

Welcome Home

More on Heaven

So instead of looking around with dismay here on earth, perhaps we need to focus on where we are going and who we will be with-Heaven and Jesus 🙂

A Message of Hope And A Warning To The People…

Fatima is a great movie, don’t miss it! Because what happened is relevant to the challenges we face today!

Some think that because Jesus loves us and died for our sins, we need not worry about the consequenses of our sin. This is wrong.

Some people focus on God’s Mercy, but forget about God’s Justice. We do not get to offend God without any consequences forever. That’s what Mary warned us of then, and it’s true now. Then and now, is the time for Prayer and Repentance is at hand.

Hell is Real as Heaven and those who choose to go there, do so Forever.

Don’t wait, Pray now!

The Safe Space: Living In God’s Will!

There can be no doubt that if there is one thing we want to know during these difficult times, it’s that we want to know we are doing exactly what God wants us to ?.   And no matter how hard we try, it can be difficult to know that we are.

I read something recently by F.B. Meyer who was a famous Pastor many years ago from London.  A friend D.L. Moody’s, he was a Baptist Preacher.  And I thought he put it really well.  He spoke of there being three lights guiding us. “ God’s Word (The Bible), God’s Providence (Circumstances) and the Holy Spirit (thoughts from God)”

In praying and thinking about it, that does simplify it quite a bit ?.  If we are feeling there’s an action we should take or a direction we should go, then it should fall within those parameters.  If God wants a door open, He will open it (God’s Providence).  If God wants us to do something, it won’t contradict His Word (The Bible).  And we will have peace about it (The Holy Spirit).  And if what we want to do falls within all of these, than we can be pretty sure that we are in God’s Will. 

Of all of these though, most important is the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, who God sent to be our Comforter.  The Holy Spirit IS God’s Confirmation of Living in His Will. 

26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”- John 14:26 

And be comforted by this, God counts your effort!  If you choose “wrongly”, but sought God’s Guidance through prayer and all of the above.  Know that God loves you and appreciates your love for Him and your efforts to seek His guidance.