God Loves Us All- Each & Every One!

One has only to turn on the news to see the devastation and destruction occuring in our country because of the recent protests. Seeing it all, regardless as to which side one is on, it’s hard not to become angry.

But as much as some in the media may attempt to divide us, there is only ONE Bible. There is only ONE Word of God for us to follow. And Christ gave us a command, Love God with our whole heart and soul, and love each other.

Notice, our Lord did not say love those with whom you agree, lol. He said love everyone!

As Christians, it’s important that we remember that God made all of us. Each of us. The color of our skin may be white, may be black, may be yellow…But it doesn’t matter.

What matters is that God loves us all and we need to let that love unite us!