Peace At Any Price Is Not Peace!

Many cities and states accross the country are removing statues because they offend many Americans. One of the problems with that is that in some states, it’s against the law. Citing safety issues, elected officials are removing them anyway.

But the problem is that if the law is selectively enforced, why should any one comply with it? Selective enforcement of the law leads more people to break the law. If there are Americans who do not like the current laws, then they need to change them-not break them!

Unfortunately, a similar type of issue is facing many Christians today. Do we give in to the peer and media pressure surrounding us and turn our backs on our faith in Jesus Christ and all that it calls us to do, or do we stand firm?

Peace at any price is not peace. And our “Help comes from the Lord”, not our politicians. So we need to hold on to our faith and stand firm. Do not let the state of the world scare you!

This world is NOT our home, Heaven IS.