Share Your Light

“God’s people will have the Light of the Lord Jesus shining upon them in the midst of great darkness.  Sometimes the only light there is, is the Light of Jesus that the Christian shines forth”

In Isaiah 60, it speaks of a time when “darkness shall cover the earth”.  And it goes on to say that Jesus will “come and shine a great light”.  There will be times in the coming days, where Christians feel under attack.  Indeed this has already happened for many.  But we need not fear.

If “war is at the door, Jesus won”.

But in Isaiah, we also learn that the light of Jesus is IN us, and we need to share that light with others.  So in a time where many will not even listen to the Word of God, how can we reach out to them?  With acts of kindness.  Smile at someone, give someone who needs it a mask or cleaning supplies, say a few words of encouragement to others, brings groceries to someone in need…

Because our acts of kindness may be all they ever see of our Lord Jesus Christ.  ?

You can read more of the Bible Study on Isaiah 60 here: “God’s people will have the Light of the Lord Jesus shining upon them in the midst of the great darkness. Sometimes the only light there is, is the Light of Jesus that the Christian shines forth”