Happy Easter!

He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. – Matthew 28:6

Because Jesus has Risen our sins are forgiven and death is defeated! What a glorious day :). Amazing, awesome, wonderful, there are simply not enough words to describe Easter.

But as I was thinking about Easter, another happy thought occurred. How happy Jesus must have been on that first Easter He had fullfilled His Father’s Will.

On Easter, Jesus would get to appear to those He loved most and reassure them that He Lived! He must have had so much joy that day! Can you imagine when He first appeared to His Mother, His Apostles, Mary Magdelene? How happy Jesus must have been.

And on that very first Easter, our Salvation was assured because He Loved us enough! How Blessed are we 🙂

So this Easter, we can be happy for Jesus and happy for us! He is alive and death is defeated. And because of Jesus, we get to go Home!