The Song Of Mary :)

“And Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.  For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done great things for me, And holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who fear Him From generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones, And exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, And the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His servant Israel, In remembrance of His mercy, As He spoke to our fathers, To Abraham and to his seed forever.”” – Luke 1:46-55

A friend sent me these Bible verses in 2013. They are so beautiful, now and then. May they Bless each of you as well 🙂

A Sign Of The Times Or A Sign Of Christ’s Return?

“And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold”-Matthew 24:12

Don’t we see that in today’s society? The riots, the schools, the way we treat one another sometimes? We are destroying ourselves!

In the riots, many have hurt one another. Pushing older people down. Beating others up. Killing others! What kind of evil does it take to hurt another human being?

And our public schools! Our public schools are a mess. Teaching children to hate one another (think CRT). Teaching our children to hurt themselves (encouraging transgender operations and abortion in schools). Loving our children is not the same as being their buddy! What kind of evil hurts a child!

And what happened to the way we treat one another? We used to talk with people we disagree with in a kind and encouraging way. And yet, there is not much of that these days! We used to reach out to others and lend a helping hand, what happened to that? When we married, we used to be faithful to one another. And how many don’t even bother to marry in today’s society? Do unto others… used to be our way of life. It can be again, if we choose it.

And that is the thing, isn’t it? If we choose it? We can choose to love on another or we can choose to let love “wax cold”. If we want to love God and love one another, Jesus will be glad to help, just ask Him 🙂

We Are Saved By Faith Alone :)

In Acts 15, we read of the great dispute among the Gentiles and many of the Jews over the issue of circumcision.  The question was raised in the Jerusalem Council:  “Are Christians made right with God by faith alone, or by a combination of faith and obedience of the Law of Moses?”

Peter addressed the council with the answer, “We are saved by faith alone”.

This discussion/dispute took place in the Jerusalem Council in 50 A.D.

Flash forward to today.  There are all different denominations and churches in Christianity.  Many have different beliefs, traditions and styles.  But we all share one important belief, Jesus is our Savior. And Jesus is the only Savior 🙂

In Revelations we read the Letters to the Churches.  One thing is clear, no Christian church was or is perfect.  One thing is also clear, Loyalty to God must come first, above all things, including churches, family and  country.

The good news is that we are all on the same journey, the journey Home to Heaven and we all believe and follow Jesus Christ. This will matter the most!

Prepare, Pray and Be Ready?

Who Moved?

Thank You!

While praying the Rosary, I saw Mary and I together praying on a hill in front of a white Cross. We were praying to her Son. All of a sudden we seemed to fall far, far away. Almost as if we flew. But we kept praying. All of a sudden I realized this fall was an illusion. It was a false illusion. And as soon as I realized this, we were right back next to the Cross, praying as before.

When I realized this was an illusion, I heard “That’s right”. And I knew it was Jesus.

When we feel far from Christ, we need to ask ourselves, “who moved”. And did we really move, or is Jesus right there. Whatever the case, keep praying 🙂

Signs Of Christ’s Return :)

“So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.”-Matthew 24:33

In Matthew 24, Jesus gives us many signs to look at to see that His coming will be here sooner, rather than later…

One of those “signs” is: “And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another”-Matthew 24:10

Doesn’t that sound a lot like American Society today? Isn’t the Cancel Culture and War that is currently going on like that?

Does not the Left hate the Right?

Do we not hear much about Christians being persecuted? Sometimes by their own family members. Sometimes betrayed even unto death!

Take heart, for it is a sign of Christ’s Return. Jesus will come for us :).

“Love One Another As I Have Loved You:” :)

I had the privilege of driving with an older African American gentleman. He was very kind, and very knowledgeable. He shared that he felt the media rarely told the truth and was doing its’ best to divide us. And he was right.

Jesus’ Command was that we love God and love one another. But many in the media are doing their best to encourage us to fear and hate one another. But we do NOT have to listen to them!

God has not given us a Spirit of fear. We CAN choose our own path and love one another – no matter what the media reports.

And our effort to do so, can be our gift to Christ 🙂