Sin & Prayer

“Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated  you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.”-Isaiah 59:1-2

Iniquities are defined as “grossly immoral or unfair behavior”.  Sometimes these sins are ones we commit; sometimes they are sins of omission.  Sometimes we don’t even recognize that we have sinned, but that doesn’t mean we have not.

This is truly a difficult subject to understand. And sometimes a subject we don’t want to understand. But “God is not a God of confusion”. 

The above verse is pretty self-explanatory on its face.  Our sin does separate us from God.  There’s no getting around that.  When we choose to lead a sinful life; we choose to separate ourselves from God.  After all, it’s not like we don’t have access to Bibles in this country ?.  So knowing what behavior is sinful and what behavior is not – is a pretty easy task, if we choose to read the Bible.  And that’s the thing-God gives us that choice, for God gave us that freedom!

But there are a few things this verse does not refer to.  It does not refer to the person who has previously sinned and is calling out to our Lord both for forgiveness and help in Jesus’ Name.  He is so happy to hear from you and He loves you!  To learn more read the Prodigal Son in Luke 15.

And it does not refer to the person who commits a sin and asks for forgiveness in Jesus’ Name.  That sin is already forgiven!  God hears you and God loves you!

In the coming days, regardless as to who wins the election, we will face much evil.  In fact, we already do; we are surrounded by it. “War may be at the door, but Jesus already won!”

Which is exactly why we need to walk closely with God-every day!  For Our Hope & Our Help Comes From The Lord. Pray. Be The Light. ?