Sin, Confession & Repentance

In Revelations 2:6, Jesus talks of how He “hates” the Nicolaitans.  It’s not often we hear from Jesus that He hates anyone!  So therefore, it must be important.

Who were the Nicolaitans?  They were a people who initially followed Jesus.  But then they turned to an incredibly sinful life.  One source says they led, “lives of unrestrained indulgence”, which sadly sounds a lot like some parts of America today!  Still another source says, “many worshipped other gods, ate food sacrificed to idols, indulged in sexually immortal behaviors”…

But personally I think that their greatest sin, was they never repented.  They took advantage of God’s Great Mercy and Christ’s Great sacrifice.  The thought they could reap the benefits of both and continue to live anyway they wanted.  Do anything they wanted.  And that’s just not true.

At times, we all struggle with sin.  Sometimes we even commit the same sins again.  And that’s alright, because God always forgives a person who sincerely seeks forgiveness through Jesus Christ.  But each person needs to seek Christ while on this earth. 

And confession and repentance, besides saving us ?, are good for us.  They free us!  Jesus never meant for us to be weighed down by the guilt of yesterday.  He loves us ?

So for our own sake, we need to confess and repent every day. And be Free 🙂