“With God all things are possible” – Matthew 19:26
As many of you know, I have suffered from a number of illnesses. Heart failure, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Sub-Aortic Membrane (heart), Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm, Lung Disease, Asthma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Raynaud, Graves Disease, Hashimoto, TED, Multiple System Atrophy…
But I am always able to do everything I need to do and I am also incredibly happy. In fact, probably happier than anyone I know. And I have grown closer to our Father-God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Mary. And I know that is because God does answer prayers-every day. But sometimes not in the way we think He will…
Sometimes God heals us, but sometimes God doesn’t. Sometimes God, who is always fair :), gives us something else instead. And sometimes, if we are very lucky, it is the Gift of Faith π
I may not be well, but I have always been able to do what I need. Notice I said that I can do what I need to do. If I can’t do it, I must not need to! And there may be plenty of things I want to do, but can’t, but I can also do things that other people can’t. For example, since I have more time available, I am able to pray for others often :).
The answer to our fears about whether we can do something for not, is Trusting God. For example, I have a brain MRI in a closed MRI machine later today. I am horribly claustrophobic and afraid of doing this test. Silly I know, but fears are always kind of silly when we consider the power of God, lol. But despite my fears, I am Trusting God that it will go well and I am going.
Another example, I use a cane now to walk, but I still go to the beach with my husband, because we need to go.
Last example :). One time, several years ago, I completely passed out and went to the beach that afternoon. Why? Because I needed to set the example for my children that we always need to live each moment to it’s fullest, for each moment is a Gift from God. And so I asked God for Help and He Helped me π
I have all the usual symptoms of the above illnesses. On some days, I find it difficult to walk and to stand. I also have all of the typical bouts of fatigue and pain. I should be heavy hearted, but I am not. My heart is happy and light. And I know that this is because God is helping me. My illnesses may not have been healed, but my prayers have been answered! Because I definitely do not feel that I am suffering as much as I might and I am closer to God than ever π
A word about suffering. When we do suffer, whether it be from an illness, a loss of a loved one, a job loss(it really does not matter what kind of suffering, for suffering is suffering), it helps to remember that suffering can have a greater purpose – if we let it.
For one thing, we can offer up our suffering for others. We can offer our suffering up for the lost. And we can choose to offer it up to Jesus.
Because He loves us, Jesus suffered horrifically on the Cross! Although our suffering will never be as terrible as Christ’s, we can offer our suffering up to Him as a way to share in His suffering and grow even closer to Jesus.
God is always Faithful and always answers Prayers. If you are having trouble seeing His answers, ask Him to show you. And end each prayer with “thy will be done”. For God’s Will is always better than our own π
You might be wondering why I am sharing so much personal health data. It’s because I am so grateful to our Lord. Because of God, my very life is a living testimony to God’s Prayers Answered. And I want you to know that He will answer yours too-if you let Him π
Prepare, Pray & Be Ready!