Garage Door
Short prayers are so important. Perhaps the most important. Because short prayers are the ones we often pray throughout the day. But they keep us in touch with Jesus. Connected to Him.
They build our faith. They keep our hearts and minds focused on God so that we stay connected to God throughout the day.
“Short” prayers can be “please”, “help”, “thank you”. They can be for big things or small. We might need help at work or be looking for our keys. We may have gotten in a car accident or we may be late for work. God cares about all the happenings of our life, big and small.
Perhaps we just want to say Thank You for the sunrise and it’s beauty. Or the beauty of water that we cross on our way to work. Perhaps we want to say Thank You for the beauty of the sun on the snow. Perhaps we just want to Thank God for the fact that we made it to our children’s school and then to work. Perhaps we just want His Help making our home a cozy sanctuary.
I know I needed His Help lifting a few things at home so I could clean a little. And I needed His Help to get the laundry done. And God Helped me. I needed His Help to send some items via UPS and a friend called right then and offered to take me. God does answer prayers, but we need to ask Him!
God still performs miracles, big and small, everyday! We just need to ask Him and believe :).
And we just need to recognize them 🙂
Follow Jesus & Keep Praying; Prayer Changes Things!