Becoming Friends With Jesus Christ

nothing can separate us from the love of JesusIt’s when Jesus seems far away that we need to pray the most. Because although Jesus never leaves us, sometimes we leave Him

We convince ourselves we are too busy to talk with Jesus, or if we are being honest, perhaps too lazy.  But if we want to have a real friendship with Jesus, we need to do what we would do with any other friend, we need to spend time with Him; we need to share with Him, and we need to be honest and open with Jesus. Because that is the only way we are going to become “real friends”.

So share the happiness and worries of your day. Pray for those in need and those you love. Ask Jesus what His Will is for you, because Jesus loves you and knows best what will bring you the most happiness.  Ask Jesus every day to forgive your sins, grant you faith and be your Savior and Friend.

For if we do so every day, our trust in Jesus will grow and our faith will flourish.

And before we know it, Jesus who once seemed so very far away, will be our closest, most trusted, best friend, and Savior 🙂

May Jesus Bless Us All,

Following Jesus


Follow Jesus And The Feelings Will Come

Come unto me, all ye that labourIt can be so difficult to “know”   what to do, which path to choose. But sometimes the answers are easier than we think.  For those who have been “sitting on the fence”, when it comes to putting their faith in Jesus Christ, now might be a good time to choose.

So many think that in order to follow Christ, one must “believe”, which many of us equate with our “feelings”. But to begin following Christ, one need only ask Jesus to be their Savior, to forgive their sins– and start following Him.

Feelings just are.

But Faith in Jesus is not about how we feel on any given day, it’s about who we choose to follow every single day.

May Jesus Bless us all, each and every one.

Following Jesus

Fox News: “NBC omits “God” from Pledge of Allegiance… again”

Please pray for our country, for if America continues to turn it’s back on God, God may one day  turn His back on America…

children pray with flag

To learn more about this story, please visit Fox News:  “NBC omits “God from Pledge of Allegiance…again”