Preparing for the Last Days: Seek The Truth – God’s Truth!

There’s a lot of talk about truth these days. Our Truth. Their Truth. The Media’s Truth. The Protester’s Truth. But there is only ONE Truth: God’s Truth.

It seems these days, so many people can not see the Truth. Instead they see what they want to see. The same thing happened before WWII. There were those who saw the Truth about the evil coming. Unfortunately, the majority did not want to see the Truth, so they saw what they wanted instead. And because they did, millions died and millions more suffered.

The same Blindness is happening again. We stand at the precipice. We can either turn towards God or turn towards evil. It’s our choice. Given to us by God Himself.

Many are simply confused! And often, evil appears good. After all, if a choice appeared evil, who would choose it? Not many.

This is where the Holy Spirit can really help us!

But the Holy Spirit can only help us, if we ask Him. He can remove the Blinders from our eyes so that we can see the one and only Truth: God’s Truth!

May You See God’s Truth And Choose Wisely!

Preparing for the Last Days: Forgive Everyone!

Much has been written about forgiveness, because forgiveness is often harder than it looks. And we can’t always change how we feel, fortunately for us, forgiveness is not about how we feel, but about what we choose to do.

Family hurts, friend hurts, fellow Christians who are killed or who suffer for their faith… And perhaps hardest of all, forgiving a hurt when anger is truly justified.

Sometimes the only way to forgive someone is to recognize that it’s a choice. I love the story that Carrie Ten Boom told about forgiveness. Someone had hurt her badly and she kept a letter that they had sent that proved their guilt in that particular matter. She had thought that she had forgiven that person, but then realized that by keeping that letter-she had not. And so she threw the letter away. She chose to let it go. She chose to forgive that person, even though she was clearly justifiably hurt and angry.

There’s something else that may help us, if we remember. It’s a tough life. We may encounter someone who is having their worst day (or worst season lol) and they may behave badly, sometimes very badly. But I would hate to be judged for my worst day, and only for my worst day. Because let’s face it-we all have bad days. And if we want others to have forgiveness and compassion for us, we need to give it to others as well.

Lastly, there is something else than can help us to forgive. If we remember that Jesus not only forgave us, but He died so that we might be forgiven. I don’t know about you, but I know I look at myself and at my own sins and wonder that some one, any one, could love me that much!

And at the same time, I can’t help but think that if Jesus forgave me, how can I not forgive another?

We can learn the easy way or the hard way-it’s up to us…

In many ways, that’s what Ezekiel 20 is about (Read it:

We can learn to follow God’s Word in the “Land of Milk & Honey” or we can learn it the hard way…But clearly, we are going to learn that it is God who is charge-one way or another.

I will always be grateful to Jesus for Saving me! But that does not give me the right to ignore God’s Word. God gave us clear instructions in His Holy Word as to how to live our lives, and God expects us to follow them.

So if we love Jesus, we will follow Him and all His teachings to the very best of our ability. And Jesus will make up the difference between our best efforts and what God our Father expects.

Don’t take advantage of Christ’s great love for us by not even trying to follow His Holy Word, because Jesus deserves so much better than that!

Don’t Let Satan Steal Your Joy-Or Your Faith!

22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.”-John 16:22

Sometimes during difficult times, people turn to God for strength and comfort. But sometimes, people turn away from God. The heart break, the job loss, the virus, the race riots …are just too much. Sometimes it is as simple, as to much has changed. For example, in many cases, there is no school. Eating out in many cases is a thing of the past. Going shopping, going to the beach or movies-all on the no-no list. But God has NOT changed! He is the SAME as He has always been and He loves you!

But it is when we feel the worst, when we don’t want to pray, when we feel that God is not listening-that we need to pray the most and keep praying. Don’t rely on how you feel in this type of situation, instead rely on God Himself. For He is ever faithful-no matter what!

And if we do, we will come out the other side. We will re-find the joy we once had. We just have to keep praying, even when we don’t feel like it!

Seasons of Conflict: Stand Up For Christ!

A friend sent me this, just had to share 🙂

“There are seasons of prosperity and adversity, victory and defeat. God’s children need to fervently pray in ALL seasons with ALL prayer. Paul’s communication to the believers in Ephesus, of how even though the Christian is blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ, spiritual warfare is still the daily experience of believers in the world. “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication.” (Ephesians 6:18) 

The same is true regarding the “inalienable rights” described in the Declaration of Independence. John Dickinson, a Pennsylvania Quaker and signer of the U.S. Constitution, wrote in the same year of the Constitution’s adoption: “Kings or parliaments could not give the rights essential to happiness — we claim them from a higher source — from the King of Kings and the Lord of all the Earth. They are not annexed to us by parchments or seals. They are created in us by the decrees of Providence, which establish the laws of our nature. They are born with us; and cannot be taken from us by any human power.”

Evil constantly attempts to take from God’s Children their God-given rights. Prayer is to be added, to those whom believe in God, to the Whole Armor of God when they go into battle against evil. The Christian soldier, if they fight to win, must pray fervently and continually. Only in this way are they able to defeat evil and his many agents. To pray on ALL occasions IS the Divine Direction from our Heavenly Father given to ALL Christ’s soldiers. Have you noticed, that evil will keep testing and stretching its tent to cover good in darkness?

SO, the question simply is, “Are you a Christian soldier, standing up and fighting to win against evil or NOT and just standing by with no resistance?” Evil will do its best to create fear and doubt, that you do nothing, allowing evil to advance its agenda.

Enough IS enough! Stand up for Christ!!”

Freedom & Choices!

A friend of mine sent this, just had to share 🙂

“ALL of God’s Children are given choices between good and evil. This IS the way that God created us. Our Heavenly Father did not want “robots” to perform without thoughts or feelings.

He made us in His Own Image. He feels what we feel. He knows EVERYTHING about us, every intricate detail. He IS our Maker and each of us made to be unique. He also knew that giving us the ability, to make our own choices, would eventually take us to sin. God’s Mercy and Grace gave His Only Son, Jesus Christ to be our choice of Redemption, our Salvation, our Hope, through His Suffering, death, and Resurrection! Truly, His Love for His Children knows no boundary!

By accepting Jesus Christ, as our personal Lord and Savior, asking Him to come into our hearts, receiving His Holy Spirit and being Born Again, what does this really allow us? FREEDOM! Freedom from worry, fear of tomorrow, evils, and the material wants of the body.

Does this mean evil will no longer try to tempt and bombard us with fiery darts of doubt and pain? NO! Truly, it means we have a choice to attempt to take on all these things on our own (i.e. which we will surely fail) OR give our trials and tribulations to our Father in heaven to combat with us. 

Worry means being drawn in different directions, distracted, anxious, disturbed, and upset in spirit. Jesus had warned against this very thing in the Sermon on the Mount. “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’….. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:31-34) Jesus was trying to show His people the true secret of a quiet mind, freedom from anxiety and unnecessary worry. Tomorrow’s evils were not to be considered. Our Lord was teaching the great lessons of complete and childlike trust and confidence in God.

Before we make choices on this earth, would it not be wise to take them to our Lord in fervent prayer and ask Him to send His Holy Spirit, to Guide and Direct us in His Will and Purpose? OH, how much grief and evil this would lift from us!! 

“Cancel” God?

A friend sent this, had to share 🙂

“The word “cancel” is getting a new use. “Canceling” and “cancel culture” have to do with the removing of support or objects for people in response to their behavior or opinions not agreed upon. Appears the latest so-called “cancel culture” actions have gone too far.

Simply, if you do or represent something that others feel is a problem, you are silenced, perhaps in voice or action. Truly, the amount of pressure and opinion, that has been stirring to create this person or organization to either shut up, disappear, stop their actions, including boycotts, or be confronted with violence, is becoming greater. Seems just like when a swarm of bees attack, when they feel their home is threatened.

Evil’s home is the world with those whom do not fear God. Evil has been practicing the word “cancel” for a very long time. All evil needs is for God’s children not to practice and live their life to represent His Word. This includes not respecting or having love for our Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Should not this word be used, with for what it truly IS: “Cancel” God? 

Evil can only flourish if there is no resistance. Recently, I saw a sign outside of a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream store that said, “Resist. Join the Resistance.” Seems like this would be a good slogan against the “Cancel Culture” movement. Those whom fear God need to resist evil and what evil represents. God’s children whom believe in Christ’s Salvation for ALL, need to be like Christ, representing His Love and Peace. Does this mean to not stand up for what is right and God-given freedom?

NO! Quite the opposite. Jesus Christ stood up against those, whom were taking advantage of and creating hardships against good people. Jesus became their Representative and referred to their evil leaders as “rotten on the inside”. Seems like we are witnessing a lot of that in these times. Jesus did not hesitate in His Actions of Truth.

Please note that He also felt sorry for those doing evil, because He knew where their rejection of the Holy Spirit would take them. He even asked His Father to forgive them from their actions of taking Him to His Sacrifice on the cross. This IS True Love!

My thoughts and prayers are that you love one another, even your enemies and those whom do you wrong. That you are not silent for those attempting to “Cancel” God. That you stand up against evil and be like Christ. That you do ALL you can to share Him with others and increase His Father’s Kingdom. Do not forget His Promise that Jesus WILL return!! In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace.

Forgiveness is Available for all those who Ask :)

The Bible says, “fear is the beginning of wisdom”.

We may not always wish to live as the Bible has instructed, but woe to person who fails to do so, and refuses to repent.

In His great love for us, our Father has left wide open a way for repentance and forgiveness.  His name is Jesus Christ.

Don’t walk to Him, Run.  He is waiting for you with open arms ?