The Miracles of God are all around :)

The funny thing is one has only to look out the window on the way to work to see God’s Miracles.  The sun, the trees, the mountain tops and sun rises,  the wind and the waves…

Last night we were driving home in the strangest storm.  It was all white!  I have never seen anything like it.  The rain was a driving force, heavier than I had ever seen.  But it was as if we were driving into a white tunnel because at the same exact moment, the sun shown so much!  It was so beautiful.

As was the Rainbow that followed it, a sign of God’s Promises kept!

So if you are wondering where God is-look out the window 🙂

Praying for God’s Will To Be Done!

Often, when we pray, we pray for those things we think we need. A job, a loved one, health…Whatever we are worrying about at the time. And there is nothing wrong with that ?.

But I wonder what would happen if we prayed that God’s Will be done in our lives? God loves us and wants us to be happy. He provides good things for us, because He loves us. But one of the differences between God and us is that our Father can see today AND tomorrow. We can only see today. So what we think will make us happy today, what we think we need today, may not be what we need tomorrow! So by praying that God’s Will be done in our lives; we are trusting that because God knows what will happen tomorrow, and because God loves us, His Will for us will be the better choice. Always.

In God We Trust, Amen ?

Happy Mother’s Day Mary

With the coming of Mother’s Day, I can’t help but think of Mary.  How she stood at the foot of the cross, which is probably more than I could bear.  But knowing and loving my children and knowing how they love me-I have to imagine it gave Jesus great comfort.

I could not bear to watch my son suffer so, but she did!  For Him, for us.
And each and every day, I am so grateful both for her example and prayers.  I will never be the mother she was, not even by half.  But I will always be grateful to her.  Always. 

Happy Mother’s Day Mary.  Thank you!

Reading God’s Word (The Bible)

Reading God’s Word (The Bible)

Have you ever noticed how you can read the same verse in the Bible one year, and then 20 years later get something completely different out of the same verse.  Both True!  I think that is God’s way of giving us the information we need-at that particular moment.  Because He loves us.

Many people have asked, “How do you understand what the Bible says?”  The answer is simple really.  It’s prayer.  I ask God, in Jesus’ name, to send the Holy Spirit to help me read it and learn whatever God wants me to learn.  This is the best way. Let no man interpret God’s Word for you, ask God to interpret it.

And just so you know, if it doesn’t make sense that moment, it will at some time in your life!

Heaven: Part Two :)

Heaven Part Two

I wish I had the words to describe Heaven for you.  City of Lights has often been used, and yet it seems so trite.  You know that the streets of gold that the Bible talks about isn’t a street of jewels.  It’s streets filled with a golden sunlight, a golden light so beautiful, we simply just can’t imagine  how beautiful it really is.  And rainbows, beautiful, vivid rainbows, for God’s Promises fill the land.  Each more beautiful than the next.  Rivers with the sun shining on them, so crystal clear, that you can drink straight from the river.  Trees and meadows, mountains and flowers, fruit everywhere, just waiting for you.  Shining seas.  Picnics, and walks.  Running like the wind and never growing tired.

It’s simply amazing!  Just like God’s Grace and Love for us.

Imagine a world where every wish is taken care of.  There is no pain, no worry and no fear.  No fatigue, no medicine, no rushing, no illness, no struggle. Only Joy and Peace.  And beauty.  A beauty so amazing that you could just spin and spin around and spin around some more, drinking it in forever.  And if you only did that, it would be enough.  But there is so much more to see and do!  Grand adventures, spending time with those you love.  Being fearless, not courageous in the face of fear, but truly not having any fear!  It’s hard to even imagine, but this is Heaven.  I have seen it and God has told me.  🙂

And there is work in Heaven, if you can call it that.  For it is work that never tires you, never rushes you, and always contributes to something that you really care about and enjoy.  Work that you want to do.

And there are friendships in Heaven.  Real ones.  The kind that fills you up until you are overflowing.  And they will never cause you pain or heartache.  Only Joy.  And strength.

Many people think that Heaven is just some mystical place up in the clouds.  But it’s not.  It’s as Real as the ground upon which you stand.

You will walk, you will run, you will have fun.  And you will see the people you love and those who love you.

You will never be cold or tired again.  You will fly like the wind, with the sun warming you all the way through.

Get ready for absolute and complete Joy, for that is what Heaven is.

Accepting Jesus

Accepting Jesus

People often confuse faith with emotion.  Faith is a choice.  Faith has never been about how we “feel” on any single day, but about who we choose to follow every day!  We don’t have to “feel” that Jesus is there in order to accept Him.  We just have to choose to follow Him.  There’s a difference and it’s an important one.


Heaven Part One

Heaven is so amazing and wonderful.  And yet so hard to describe.  But there is one thing I can promise you. Heaven is as real as the earth on which we stand.  It’s a real place.  And just on the other side ?.  It’s not on some cloud or some misty place.  It’s the Garden of Eden.  There is life, there is laughter and there is love and joy and peace.  There are deep friendships that last forever.  There are rivers and hills.  There are flowers and fruit.  There are puppies!    There are things to do and no one ever feels sick or tired.  It is the grand adventure with all of the fun that implies, but none of the fear or hardship.

The closest I can come to describing it in this world’s terms is like all of your firsts combined, with all of the joy and none of the fear.  The first time you rolled down a grassy hill, the first time you spun around in the falling snow, the first time you jumped in the pool.  The first time you rode a bike down a hill with the wind in your face, the first time you slid down the slide.  The first time your husband held you and the first time your child smiled.  All of the joy, none of the fear ?

How anyone or any place can give all of that love, joy and peace at the same time is beyond me, but that is what Heaven is like.  That is what Jesus offers.  Forever. 

“I am Worthy-One Kind Thing

Heard a great sermon this week.  I liked it because the instructions were simple and some thing we can all do ?.  Declare one thing and do one kind thing for someone else.  For declaring one thing, you could choose anything.  Jesus is my Savior, I am Worthy, are just a couple of the examples the Pastor gave us.  I decided to declare “I am Worthy”.  I already believe and “declare” that Jesus is my Savior, but so often I “feel” unworthy.  Instead of seeing the good I do, I tend to see what I haven’t done yet! You would think I would know better by now, LOL, but I don’t…

And the thought, “I am Worthy”.  It leads to so many good places.  For if I am Worthy to be loved by God Himself, am I not worthy of love both from myself and those around me.  Worthy to be loved by God!  What an awesome thought.  So often we focus, or at least I do, on how UN-worthy I am, but God says I am Worthy!  Because God loves me just as I am, and God loves you just as you are!  So for this week at least, I am going to rise everyday and remember that I am worthy simply because God loves me.

And as for the “one kind thing”, well that’s the easy part ?