Happy New Year :)

As we enter the New Year, we do so with some concern. About the election, about covid, about the economy… The list is probably endless.

But then I look at the picture of this child and I remember-Trust God as a child trusts.

And that trust is what will get us through 2021.

God loves us. He said in Isaiah 55:8-9, “My plans aren’t your plans, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my plans than your plans.

Whatever comes this year, God already knows. He has it in His Hands. He has planned for our well-being and our future because He loves us.

So do not fear, God loves us and He’s got this. Happy New Year 🙂

God Is Always Faithful!

Doubt Creeps In, Where Only Faith Belongs.

I wish I could say that I have never had any doubts, but that would not be true.  And that’s okay.  Remember Thomas?  Jesus understands ?

Do we doubt that Jesus is real, no.  For even Satan knows Jesus is real.  I think when doubt creeps in, it is more subtle than that and has more to do with our own insecurities.  We do not really doubt God’s Goodness, but our own. 

But God is Faithful, even when we are not.  He loves us, even when we feel unlovable.  He loves us every second of every minute of every day.  We just need to remember that ?

And Thank Him 🙂

Because Faith is not about how we feel on any given day, but rather who we choose to follow every single day ?

Follow Jesus 🙂

Tough Times…

A friend sent this to me, it was so good I am passing it on:

“Once upon a time, over the years a family had experienced some very good times and they had some very tough times too. It was during the tough times they witnessed the Lord Working and learned to trust Him. One particular day during a tough time, the Mom had a phone call that someone had died. She needed to make several long-distance phone calls to let other people know. This was going to be expensive because back then they had to pay for every long-distance call they made.

 It wasn’t very long before a friend “happened” to stopover. Before the Mom had a chance to mention to her about all these long-distance calls she needed to make her friend said, “I stopped over because I was given these prepaid phone cards today. I came over to give these to you.”

Wow, these phone cards were exactly what the Mom needed! Now, this may seem like a little thing to most people but on that day it was a BIG thing for her. It was during that time she came across the Bible verse, “They do not fear bad news; their heart confidently trusts the LORD to care for them.” After this particular experience, along with many others, the family has been learning to confidently trust the LORD to care for them.

ALL who have moments on earth will experience some tough times. God’s Word shares with you several examples of God’s Children going through some especially difficult experiences that would test them and their faith. These sometimes also involved their loved ones. Some may even seem unfair and unjust, that evil appeared to be winning.

Know this, your Heavenly Father has already defeated evil. He IS The Winner, forever and ever! Seems like it would be very smart to be on The Winning Team – The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit! God offers each of His Children His Amazing Special Gifts – His Healing Power and Touch, His Mercy and Grace, His Strength and Courage, His Compassion and Caring, His Love, Joy and Peace! He also offers His angels help and protection! WAIT – there’s more…..He offers you to give ALL your worries, doubts and burdens to Him! IS He not AMAZING or what!! What Perfect Love He has for YOU! What Perfect Timing IS His Presence!
My thoughts and prayers are that when you or your loved ones go through some tough times, trust the LORD to care for you and them.

Give Honor and Praise to your Heavenly Father, in ALL things, even the tough times. That you are a Good Example for Jesus Christ for these moments granted on earth. That you are His Extended Arms of Hope. In Jesus’ Name. Thy Will be done. Amen. Peace”

One Difference Between Christians and Non-Christians

There are many differences between Christians and Non-Christians. But one of the differences I believe is selfishness.

Non-Christians often live a life of self. They truly believe that the means justify the ends. That believe they are “entitiled” to have whatever pleases them, no matter the cost to others.

Christians, however, see life through a different prism. They believe and obey Christ’s commandment to loves others as themselves. They live a life of giving, often sacrificing what might please them in order to bring happiness to another. But it’s even more than that, their whole life is based on loving God and loving each other. It’s their purpose. And it changes everything.

So Give someone a hug. Smile at someone. Carry someone’s groceries. Let a car cut in front of you- and smile. Donate to a local food bank. Say thank you to a police officer. The list is endless…

And offer it all to Christ 🙂

It is amazing the amount of happienss that comes from giving such a small thing to another 🙂.

In A World That Seems So Unjust; God IS Always Just :)

17 “Yet your people say, ‘The way of the Lord is not just.’ But it is their way that is not just. 18 If a righteous person turns from their righteousness and does evil, they will die for it. 19 And if a wicked person turns away from their wickedness and does what is just and right, they will live by doing so. 20 Yet you Israelites say, ‘The way of the Lord is not just.’ But I will judge each of you according to your own ways.”-Ezekiel 33:17-20

Clearly, God is Just. We may not always like that He is Just. After all it would be so much easier if God would let us do whatever we want, lol. But that’s not the way it is… 🙂

It says in the New Testament that we “are Saved by Faith”. And that’s true. But if we have “faith” in Jesus Christ, then we believe in Him. And if we believe in Him, as a friend once told me, than we need to believe and do what He said. (see James 2: 14-26 – “Faith without works is Dead“)

“Love your God with your whole heart and soul, and love each other as yourselves.” No easy task, but that pretty much covers it all! And the Holy Spirit is here to help us do that; He’s our Helper and we just need to ask Him 🙂

But if we do believe in Jesus, we will believe and do as He said, today.

The End Times: What Do We Know?

“At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.”-Daniel, 12:1

As we prepare to enter the New Year, there has been much discussion about whether we are living in the End Times.   Only God knows for sure.  Jesus told us that when we see the “signs”, “it is near, right at the door”.  But He also said that only our Father knows the Hour.

But there is something we do know from Daniel, Chapter 12.  Michael, the Archangel, who protects God’s people “will arise”.  And although there will be a time of great “distress”, “everyone whose name is found written in the book-will be delivered.”

There is no doubt that we have lived through this year and enter the next year with deep concern.  Even Fear.  But our Father has promised us that if we are in “the book”, we will be saved. 

And that’s a promise to hold onto-every day! ?

The Miracle of the Light :)

There are dark days ahead, of that there can be no doubt. But God is here and His miracles are everywhere. We just have to look for them.

There are so many miracles. Miracles when needs are met. Miracles when the sick are healed. Miracles when faith blooms in our hearts.

But perhaps the most “seeable” miracle is found every day in nature. The Miracle of Light-Sun Light. And not just the sun, but the warm light of a sun rise or a sun set. The way the sun light dances on the trees. The way the sun light creates a million lights on water. The way a rainbow lights up the sky.

No matter how difficult the times may become next year, God’s light, Christ’s light and the light of the Holy Spirit will find a way to warm our hearts. Step into that light and stay there and you will find next year so much easier. And if you forget how to get there-just ask God for help in Jesus’ Name 🙂

And Be The Light for someone else. Show them the way. For we were “born for such a time as this” 🙂

Faith & Science Do Not Conflict-They Support Each Other!

“Scientific Facts in the Bible: Only in recent years has man discovered that there were mountains on the ocean floor. This was revealed in the Bible thousands of years ago. While deep in the ocean, Jonah cried, “I went down to the bottoms of the mountains…(Jonah 2:6)”. The reason that the Bible and true science harmonize is that they have the same author”-comment in King James Bible

“The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator.” “Science brings men nearer to God” ― Louis Pasteur

“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God”-Issac Newton

“The more I study science, the more I believe in God”-Albert Einstein

God created our world and all that is in it. Some of the most famous scientists knew that. And clearly, they said that!

It is only some in today’s media that attempt to deny it. God is not a fairy tale. He is real.

Don’t let some in the media deny Him or lesson your faith.

Choose Christ 🙂

The Day After Christmas :)

“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.”

God Loves Us, He wants us to rest because He loves us. And He also knows that we need rest, afterall, He made us 🙂

So today, most of us are tired. We cooked, we wrapped, we decorated, we cleaned and we prayed :).

So today-rest. God wants you too 🙂